Page 86 of Justice

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I checked in on Matty and Leo while the other two discussed the logistics of tracking Danny’s contact down. It sounded like Leo was filling him in on demons, Ferry, and their true background.

It’d come as an enormous surprise to all of us that Leo was actually Ferry’s reincarnated mate from over four thousand years before. Turned out he’d sacrificed himself to save Leo, condemning himself to ferrying souls over the river Styx until his deal was up.

When I’d first heard the story, I’d scoffed. Imagine spending thousands of years alone, all for a human.

Pathetic behaviour, I’d thought to myself. A disgraceful waste of a supe’s life and powers.

Now, I stared at the closed door standing between me and Matty. My heart was a heavy weight in my chest, warning me I was in danger of sinking.

“Matty’s hand is broken,” I said suddenly, speaking over Ferry. “You need to fix it before doing anything else.”

Ferry raised an eyebrow. “I can compel the pain away.”

I tutted impatiently. “I’ve already done that. I need you to heal it.”

“Sebastian, that’s not something I can do.”

“Of course you can,” I said urgently. “You’re one of the original fallen. Surely you can help him?”

But Ferry was shaking his head. “I’m sorry, Sebastian. That’s not in my skill set. Very few angels are able to perform healings. Matty will have to heal the human way. Don’t worry though, if you’ve compelled him, he won’t suffer.”

The sense of desperation I’d felt earlier started to claw its way up my throat. “No. That’s not good enough! He won’t be able to crochet or write. He’s got exams coming up—how’s he supposed to sit them?”

The talking in the bedroom cut off, making me realise my voice had risen to a shout. I stepped close to Ferry, lowering my voice to a pained whisper. “Please. We have to do something.” Ferry’s mouth was slack as I continued to plead with him. “You must know someone. He can’t be expected to wait like a normal human.”

Ferry stared at me like he was seeing a whole new person. He squeezed my shoulder, a kindness in his voice I’d never heard directed my way before. “Cal and some of the others just crossed my wards. Let’s see if they can help.”

His reaction startled me into realising how unusually I was behaving. Shit. I schooled my expression into one of neutrality, withdrawing until my back was against the wall.

I didn’t move as Cal and his brother Harlow, and their mates, Oscar and Bailey, burst through the door. The demons were demanding answers from Ferry, while Oscar was anxiously asking Danny if Matty was okay.

Only Bailey, Harlow’s human, seemed to register my presence. He sidled over to me, joining me where I was leaning against the wall.

He didn’t speak for a few minutes, watching the activity in the room as closely as I was.

“You okay?”

My head snapped around. “Why wouldn’t I be okay?”

Bailey shrugged. “You’ve got a look about you.”

“What the fuck does that mean?”

“I’m just saying…they might not see that you’re feeling unhinged right now. But I do. Bonus of being mated to Harlow, I guess. When he’s truly pushed to the edge, he locks down and looks—” He gestured at me. “—like this. Utterly still and focused, when in reality he’s nought-point-five seconds away from doing some murdering.”

My attention went to his mate. I’d seen Harlow in action over the centuries enough to know the tiny demon was not to be underestimated. Look at that day in Hell when Harlow and his brothers took on their father to get their mates back. No one had been able to escape Harlow’s wrath, not even Lucifer himself.

I realised Bailey was waiting for a response. “I’m fine.”

Bailey hummed like he didn’t believe me. “If you say so. Well, you know where to find me if you want to talk.”

I stared at the hulking human as he walked away, his arm finding its way to Harlow’s shoulders like it had been made to fit there.

Which I guessed it had. That was the one difference between mates of demons and angels, and everyone else.

Their mates were fated. The one person designed to be their perfect counterpart.

Ours though…we had to choose. Which on the surface sounded great, but when you looked at who I’d originally chosen to be my mate…? Yeah. I wasn’t putting much faith in my ability to find my soulmate.
