Page 88 of Justice

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No. It should be me going in there. Me talking to him.

But I couldn’t bring myself to say that. Instead, I started shuffling along the wall in the direction of the front door. I’d stay nearby until this angel healed Matty’s hand, then I’d be on my way.

I wasn’t putting my faith in Danny entirely. I’d make a brief visit to his former clan in Scotland to ensure they got the message that Matty was under my protection.

Then I’d be on my way to America.

Back to my former life.

One of darkness. Devoid of sunshine.

It was for the best.

It was.

My hand was closing over the door handle when Leo spotted me. His tired face morphed into a glare. “Where are you going?”

Everyone looked at me. “Figured you don’t need me anymore, so I’ll be on my way.”

Leo shouldered past everyone until he was toe to toe with me. Unlike his sibling, Leo matched my height perfectly. “Oh no you don’t. We need to have a chat.”

A chat. How fucking grand. I excelled at those.

Ferry made a small noise as Leo roughly grabbed me by the arm and hauled me into his bedroom. Leo just waved his other hand impatiently. “I’ll explain later, Fer.”

“Why do you have to explain?” I said as he slammed the door closed behind me. His room was simpler than his brother’s, but it had subtle touches that had to be Matty’s handiwork. I couldn’t imagine Leo choosing those bright throw pillows or the plush rugs. “Doesn’t that spooky mating bond tell him everything for you?”

Leo positioned himself in front of the door, blocking my exit. “No. It tells us each other’s emotions or if we’re in danger, but not specific information. Shouldn’t you know that?”

I shrugged, picking up a picture of Matty and Leo from his chest of drawers. It had been taken on a beach, their younger faces beaming with joy. “Why would I? I don’t have a mate.”

“About that.” Leo’s tone was cautious, measured. “Is Matty your…mate?”

I reached for another photo, this one had Matty sitting on Leo’s shoulders, laughing widely. I examined it closely just to have an excuse not to look at Leo. “Nope.”

“Sebastian, give me that.” He snatched the frame from my hands. The irritability in his voice was welcome. That attitude, I knew how to deal with. “Are you telling me the truth?”

I forced a lazy smirk to my lips. “Of course I am. Vampires don’t have fated mates. Ask your guard dog if you don’t believe me.”

“Okay, so are you planning on making Matty your mate?”

The weight in my chest grew heavier, dragging me down deeper. I hid my longing and fear behind sneers and lies. “No. I’ll never take a mate. Especially not a human.”

I almost sagged in relief as the familiar disdain appeared on the other man’s face. Good. Being hated was good.

That, I could cope with.

“What are you doing then?” Leo demanded. “Because it feels a lot like you’re pursuing him.”

“Thought you’d be a tad more grateful for me stepping in to save him.”

Leo wavered. “I’m sure Danny would’ve handled it.”

I stepped forward, closing the distance between him. Why was I pushing this? I should just take the out Leo had given me and leave. For some reason, I couldn’t stop myself. “Might’ve helped if Matty had called him. But he didn’t. He called me. Perhaps if you’d let me look after him in the first place, this whole situation could’ve been avoided.”

To his credit, Leo didn’t back away. “Why’d you help Matty?”

“I don’t know.” No, it was me who was backing away. I couldn’t breathe. I needed the space. “Maybe I was bored. Or maybe I’m just looking to curry favour with the most powerful supes around.”
