Page 87 of Justice

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The door opened and yet more demons filed into the room. This time, it was Dimitri and Dagon, their human mate tucked between them. I rolled my eyes. Did they honestly think Lucky would be in danger here?

Like you wouldn’t do the same for Matty.

As soon as he spotted me, Lucky shoved his guard dogs off, making a beeline for me. “Is he okay?”

I fought against my instinct to snipe at him. He was Matty’s friend. He was concerned about Matty. “He’s alive. Injured, but not fatally.”

Lucky paled. “Injured how?”

Dagon came up behind him, listening intently as I gave them the highlights. “His head wound has healed and he isn’t showing any signs of concussion. But his hand… It’s ruined. I was hoping one of the demons could help, but apparently that’s not the case.”

Lucky whirled around on Dagon. “Do you know someone who can help him?”

“No, but you’re not asking the right mate.”

“Dimitri!” Lucky’s yell had silence falling over the room. The little scrap of a human marched right up to the huge former angel and glared at him with his hands on his hips. “Matty’s hurt. You must know someone who can help.”

Dimitri shifted on his feet, his gaze flitting between Dagon and Lucky. “I mean…I do. The question is whether he will or not.”

Lucky snapped his fingers at the demon impatiently. “Give me your phone. Whoever it is, I’ll convince them.”

My respect for Lucky shot up. I’d always tolerated him, but seeing Lucky fight to get Matty the help he needed?

He’d secured my loyalty for all eternity.

“I can call him,” Dimitri said, squeezing the back of Lucky’s neck. “Other than Micah, he’s probably the one member of the Seraphim who might be amenable to helping.”

I didn’t know much about Dimitri’s former angelic unit, so I was grateful when Dagon asked, “Who is it?”

Dimitri grimaced. “Rami.”

The reaction Dagon had to this information wasn’t the one I’d been expecting. He hooted a loud laugh, slapping his hands on his knees. “Mr. Flirty McFlirtyson?”

Dimitri glared at his mate. “Flirt with him and you’re sleeping on the floor.”

Lucky pouted at Dimitri. “Baby, you wouldn’t make him sleep on the floor, right?”

It was like someone had poured boiling water over the demon with the speed he melted. “Of course not, little one.”

Every supe in the room, including myself, snorted. Dimitri grabbed Lucky, pulling him into his chest as he glared at us all. “Judge away. You’re all as whipped as I am.”

“Except Sebastian and Danny,” Harlow said, a knowing smirk dancing over his lips. “Unless Sebastian has anything he wants to tell us?”

All eyes snapped to me. Some curious. Some annoyed.

But Ferry’s? His were confused.

“No,” I said not shifting from my position against the wall. “I just want Matty healed and I’ll be on my way.”

Dimitri stepped out into the hall with his phone pressed to his ear just as Leo emerged from Matty’s room.

My muscles tensed. I bit my tongue to stop myself asking after Matty.

Thankfully, Lucky asked what I refused to. “How is he?”

Leo shoved his hand through his curls. “He’s…processing.”

“It’s a shock to discover this world through violence,” Oscar said sympathetically. “Want me to talk to him?”
