Page 90 of Justice

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I froze, not turning around.

“Sleep with Matty and I won’t need Ferry to kill you. I’ll do it myself.”

Doing anything sexual with Matty was so far from my thoughts right now. He was injured. Traumatised. Broken.

And once he healed, I’d be long gone.

I nodded curtly to let Leo know I understood.

Then I left to go and help my sunshine.

For one of the last times.

Chapter 18


When Leo left, my mind was reeling with everything he’d told me.


Heaven and Hell.




I closed my eyes, waiting for Sebastian to appear. Leo hadn’t been pleased when I’d asked him to send him in, but I was past caring.

I just needed Sebastian.

I understood now what Sebastian and the others had been trying to tell me. He was dangerous. And ruthless. And vengeful.

But not towards me. To me he was caring. Kind. Careful. Loving.

He’d come for me. Just like he’d said he would. He’d saved me, taken away my pain, held me close when I felt like I was falling apart.

Sebastian probably thought today would send me running in the opposite direction. It’d been obvious in how he’d told me what he was going to do to the men who’d hurt me. Like he was showing me the worst version of himself so I’d flee in horror. A mask made from vengeance and fury.

Well I’d seen it. Problem was, it wasn’t frightening when he was the one wearing it. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that that version of himself would never hurt me. He might come out to defend me, but never to hurt me.

It was what lay beneath that scared me. The real Sebastian, the one he believed didn’t exist.

That one could hurt me. Break my heart into little pieces and leave them scattered on the floor.

Still, I wasn’t running. Not from Sebastian.

I couldn’t. Today had been a nightmare of confusion and fear. I’d come out of it knowing a single truth.

Sebastian had called me his. And I wanted that to be true.

I sat on the floor waiting for him. Minute after minute passed, but Sebastian didn’t appear. No one did. I could hear them all out there—their voices were muffled by the walls, but there were definitely more people here now.

Perhaps Sebastian had left. Just the idea had the panic clawing up my throat again.

No, he wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye.
