Page 91 of Justice

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My hand was throbbing beneath the blanket, but thanks to whatever magic Sebastian had used, there was no pain. What there was, however, was a lingering smell of vomit. Sebastian had done his best to clean me up, but I was desperately in need of a shower.

Using my good hand to push myself up, I got to my shaky feet. It took me a few minutes to get my underwear off one handed, but I somehow managed it, letting it fall to join the blanket on the floor.

Just doing that had the room swimming around me. I had to pause, my good hand cradling my head as wooziness overtook me.

That’ll be because of the blood loss.

Blood loss made me think of Sebastian licking my head to close the wound. Then I started thinking of other wounds he could lick closed. Ones on my body that he’d put there with his teeth.

Stop it, Matty, I told myself sternly. I’d just established that my blood pressure was low. I didn’t need what was left heading south and making me faint.

Imagine having to explain that to Leo and the others? So embarrassing.

It took me far longer than it should have, but I made it to my en-suite without further incident.

I paused just inside the room, leaning against the wall and waiting for the dizziness to ebb away. My broken hand was cradled uselessly against my chest. Why oh why did they have to choose my left hand? It was going to make everything harder.

Tears filled my eyes. No. Don’t think about that now. One step at a time. Just get through the shower first.

That in itself seemed impossible.

The shiny showerhead seemed to stare at me mockingly, like it knew there was no way I was going to be able to get through this without help.

Fudgesticks. Was I going to have to call Leo in?

The door beside me opened, and I gave a shaky sigh of relief.


I froze. Nope. That wasn’t Leo.

Sebastian’s handsome face appeared around the door. “Oh, there you are. Are you okay?”

“Yep,” I said, forcing a note of brightness into my response. Fabulous. This was not how I’d imagined Sebastian seeing me naked again. “Just going to take a shower.”

I made it all of one step forwards before my knees gave out. I stumbled forward, but Sebastian caught me before I could hit the floor.

“Careful, sunshine,” he said, lifting me into his arms bridal style. “You’ve lost a lot of blood, so you’re going to feel woozy.”

“I know.” I hated how small and helpless I sounded. “I just wanted to take a shower.”

There was a long silence before Sebastian spoke. “I can…I can help you with that. If you want me to?”

“Yes, please,” I whispered, my chin tucked to my chest. “Please don’t make me ask Leo. I’d much rather you help me.”

I chanced a glance up at him and my heart stuttered at what I saw. The same gentle smile Sebastian had given me earlier. “Of course, sunshine.”

I didn’t reply, too in awe of how his face transformed when he smiled. He looked…lighter. Younger. At peace.

Right then, my life gained a new purpose.

To make this man smile every single day. To tease one out of him so frequently that his brain forgot was it was like to not do it. Until it became as familiar to him as breathing.

He kept trying to make me happy. And darnit, I was going to do the same thing for him.

He carried me into the shower, steadying me with one arm as he used the other to turn on the water. I let out an alarmed squeak.
