Page 95 of Justice

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Lucky traced the pattern on the duvet as he shrugged. “Because I kept this from you. We’re best friends and I kept this massive fucking secret from you.”

I hadn’t looked at it like that. I’d been mad at Leo from keeping it from me, but he was my brother. He’d explained that keeping it from me had come from a good place though. They’d all been trying to protect me, not wanting me to know that the world was more evil than I’d believed.

Well, I’d already seen evil that night a few months ago. Learning about actual demons didn’t mean a lot when I’d learned to live with the ones in my nightmares.

“It’s okay,” I told Lucky. “You were trying to protect me. I get it. You didn’t do it maliciously.”

“We really didn’t,” Lucky said, relief filling his voice. “And fuck am I glad you know now. I’ve hated keeping this part of my life from you. Especially given how you found out. You must’ve been terrified.”

Terrified. Such a powerful adjective. Somehow, it wasn’t enough to describe the depths of fear I’d experienced today.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Lucky asked gently. “Ferry told us what happened, but sometimes it helps to talk.”

Now I was the one staring at the duvet.

I’d bottled up everything that’d happened to me after Colin. I’d believed it was better to go through it alone. That I’d find it easier to pretend it had never happened if I didn’t speak of it.

I should talk to Lucky about it. Sure, Leo was also part of this new world I’d just learned about, but there were some things you didn’t want to talk to your brother about.

You kneeling on a cold floor wearing only a lace thong was definitely one of those things.

But what if Lucky judged me? I’d seen the way he stood up to his men—he didn’t suffer fools lightly. What if he thought I was weak? Stupid for not standing up for myself?

“It’s okay, you know,” Lucky said, his dark eyes solemn. “However you’re feeling about today, it’s okay. Danny’s already told us what happened, and I have to say, you’re taking it far better than I did.”

I startled. “What do you mean?”

Lucky chuckled. “Let’s just say I also didn’t know anything about…well, any of it. Demons. Mates. I was in the dark about the whole shebang. But, like you, I found out…unexpectedly.”

“Were you kidnapped too?”

“No,” Lucky said bitterly, clasping his hands together. “My situation was one of my own making.”

My jaw fell open as Lucky told me about Grant, a man he’d believed to be a friend, who’d ended up manipulating him. As he told me about how it had escalated into beatings, threats, and stalking, tears filled my eyes.

“Oh my gosh, Lucky. You must’ve been so scared.”

“I was,” Lucky said hollowly, staring down at his white knuckles. “I thought I was going to spend my whole life on the run. I kept everyone at a distance, refusing to get close to anyone in case Grant used them against me.”

“What happened?”

Lucky’s hands loosened, a goofy smile filling his face. “Dimitri happened. He spotted me in Mori’s club and realised I was his and Dagon’s mate. After he dragged Dagon to meet me, the two of them started to conspire about ways to seduce me.”

I gave him a small smirk. “Bet that was fun.”

“It was,” he said, his smile fading. “Then Grant found me.”

A chill went down my spine. Even with Lucky in front of me, clearly safe and happy, the idea of my friend being hurt had my stomach churning. I reached out with my good hand to grab his. “I’m so sorry, Lucky.”

He took my hand in both of his, giving it a soft squeeze. “It’s okay. He didn’t get the chance to hurt me. Dagon and Dimitri showed up at just the right time and…” His voice trailed off as he pursed his lips. “Yeah, I’m going to make an executive call and say you don’t wanna know the details. Let’s just say that Grant ended up dead, and I was suddenly aware the two guys I was fucking were very much not human.”

Secretly, I was glad he’d skipped the particulars. I’d had enough blood and gore to last me a lifetime.

The fact that I wanted Sebastian to do things involving my blood made literally no sense. Maybe I needed to make an appointment with a psychiatrist.

“What did you do then? When you’d found out?”

Lucky gave me a thin smile. “I ran.”
