Page 94 of Justice

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I wasn’t going to ask him about it now, not until he was ready to open up to me. But even without knowing the specifics, I knew what that kind of loss must’ve done to him. How deep that sort of wound would run.

With enough time, maybe I’d get him to see himself the way I did—as someone who was worthy of love. Someone who could open himself up, trusting that he wouldn’t get his heart broken all over again.

“Will you stay?” I found myself asking. “For now?”

There was no hesitation. “Yes, sunshine. I’ll stay. For as long as you need me.”

Sebastian was the perfect gentleman as he tucked me up in bed. Even so, when there was a quiet knock on my bedroom door, he flew back several paces, his face flushed like we were about to be caught doing something we shouldn’t.

Lucky’s concerned face popped around the door. “Can I come in?”

“Of course,” I said. I braced my good hand on the mattress, trying to push myself up. Before I could get more than a few inches up, Sebastian was there. He silently sat me up against the headboard, tucking the duvet in around my legs.

He stood up stiffly, not meeting my eyes as he stood back. “I’ll ah…leave you to it.”

I gulped. “You’ll come back though, right?”

He met my gaze then, like he couldn’t help himself. “As soon as you call.”

I searched his face for any signs that he was lying to me but found none. Relaxing back against the headboard, I let out a long breath. “Okay.”

Lucky stepped aside to let him past, making no attempt to hide the way he was gaping. When the door was closed behind Sebastian, my friend pointed at it. “Umm…who was that?”

My brow wrinkled. “Sebastian? I thought you knew him. I was chatting to him in the club and?—”

“Oh I know Sebastian,” Lucky interrupted me, perching on the edge of my bed. “But the Sebastian I know is a complete arsehole who is rude to anyone and everyone who crosses his path.”

My frown deepened. “What?”

Lucky nodded slowly. “Yep. Total cunt. That’s why everyone had a problem with you getting close to him. He’s got a knack for pissing people off.”

“You mean his being a vampire didn’t have anything to do with it?”

Lucky shrugged a shoulder. “Meh. All of them are either supernatural or eternally mated to one. Being in a relationship with a supe has its dangers, but the benefits outweigh those. Besides, if you mate with Sebastian, I get to keep you as my bestie for centuries. Millenia, even.”

I raised a hand, my mind spinning. “Hold up. That’s not what’s happening here.”

“Come on, Matty. You can’t tell me there’s nothing going on. Even if I hadn’t walked in on him tucking you in, I would’ve known from the way he went off about you out there.”

“He did? When?”

“Just now,” Lucky said. “Trying to get Ferry to find someone to heal your hand.”

“Oh.” I lifted the hand in question. “Yeah, I guess it’s pretty bad.”

“Pretty bad? Jesus fuck, Matty!”

Lucky scooted closer to me. I gritted my teeth as the urge to flinch away hit me again. No. I wasn’t going to let this stop me being close to people.

I held still as Lucky’s fingers gently brushed over the skin. “You’re definitely not in any pain, right? Because if so, I can get one of my guys in here in a heartbeat.”

“No, I’m okay,” I said softly. “Whatever Sebastian did worked.”

There was a beat of silence as I tucked my hand out of sight again.

“Are you…are you mad at me?”

My head whipped up in alarm. “Why on earth would I be mad at you?”
