Page 98 of Justice

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He fell asleep with a satisfied smile on his face.

As Matty finally found the peace he’d craved in sleep, my own heart was filled with terror.

I’d been so scared of Matty falling for me, I hadn’t protected myself.

This human held my heart in his hands, and he had no idea.

I’d promised myself I’d never fall for a human again, and it had happened without me even realising.

And the worst thing?

It changed nothing.


I’d still have to walk away from him, because I couldn’t make him happy. Not in the long term.

I didn’t matter. I never had.

All that mattered was Matty.

Rami was in Matty’s flat for less than ten minutes before I decided I was going to kill him.

There were several other supes in the room who’d probably try to stop me. Dagon and Dimitri had escorted Rami here with Lucky in tow. Ferry was hovering near the sofa, Leo at his side.

Still, I was pissed enough to try it. Not until he’d finished healing Matty though.

The angel was in front of Matty’s huddled form on the sofa, towering over him even though he was kneeling. Matty’s broken hand was hidden between his own massive ones. Soft white light slipped from between Rami’s fingers as he healed him.

That wasn’t the issue. No, the issue was the way he’d been looking at Matty since he’d entered the room. Like he couldn’t decide between stripping him naked or dropping to his knees to worship him.

Add in the shameless way he was flirting with my sunshine, and I was about three seconds away from detonating.

“Easy,” Dagon whispered, joining me in the corner of the room. “Rami’s harmless.”

I knew my presence probably wasn’t wanted, but there was no way I was leaving Matty alone until he was healed. Nevertheless, I’d kept to my corner, not wanting to cause any issues that might upset Matty.

I continued to glare at where Rami was teasing Matty, making his cheeks flush. “Harmless? He’s literally one of the most lethal angels ever to walk the earth.”

Dagon hummed in agreement. “True, but if you know that, why are you contemplating the best place to stab him with Bessie?”

“I’m not.”

“Even if I weren’t a demon, I’d know you’re talking bullshit. You’ve got the same look on your face that Dimitri had when Rami hit on me.”

Rami winked at Matty and a small growl slipped from my throat. Several pairs of eyes narrowed in my direction, like they were daring me to start trouble.

Dagon covered his laugh with a cough. “Sure. No murder being contemplated here. Nope.”

I gave Dagon a scathing look. “Why do you care?”

Dagon shrugged. “I don’t. Not really. But Lucky cares about Matty being happy.”

“You don’t need to worry, Dagon. I won’t be going there with Matty.”

I could feel his gaze burning into the side of my face, but I refused to meet his eyes. “Okay…so what’s the issue with Rami flirting with him then?”

My hand went to my pocket, my fingers wrapping around the hilt of my dagger. Like I just needed to reassure myself it was there. “Matty’s just been through something traumatic. He doesn’t need to be fending off advances from horny supernaturals. God knows where Rami’s dick has been.”
