Page 99 of Justice

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“Or maybe it’s because you’re jealous. Because you think Rami is who Matty deserves.” Dagon leaned forwards, whispering in my ear so low that none of the other supes in the room could hear. “And that thought fucking terrifies you.”

My stomach flipped as my hand tightened on Bessie’s hilt. “You’re wrong.”

“No, I’m not.” Dagon’s hand squeezed my shoulder. “I spent centuries finding reasons to not be with Dimitri. Don’t make the same mistakes I did.”

Matty saved me from having to reply. “Seb?”

I was in front of him in a second, drawing as close as I could with the damned angel in between us. “Are you okay?”

He nodded, but his smile looked a little shaky. “Can you sit with me?”

“Of course.” The sofa was big enough for both of us, but I’d barely sat down before Matty was trying to wriggle his way onto my lap. Thanks to Rami still holding on to his hand, he struggled.

I pretended I didn’t see the way Leo stiffened from the corner of my eye. Or the glare Ferry was shooting my way. No doubt Leo had repeated our…conversation to him.

Scratch that, he’d probably heard the whole thing from the living room. Everyone here knew I had no intention of pursuing anything with Matty.

Even Matty knew. I’d told him enough times. But this wasn’t about that. It was about offering Matty comfort while he was hurting.

“Hang on,” I murmured, before lifting Matty and situating him on my lap. “Better?”

“Much.” His whole body relaxed back against me. “Sorry, Rami. I’m a bit…”

“It’s fine,” Rami’s deep voice rumbled as his critical gaze flicked between us, assessing the tight grip I had on Matty’s waist, the way he was almost huddling into me. “Ah. I see.”

“Wrong tree again.” Dagon smirked, strolling over to clap the angel on the shoulder. “One of these days you’ll flirt with someone who’s interested back.”

“I flirt with plenty of people who are interested,” Rami grumbled. “Not my fault you lot are mating like bunnies.”

“I think you mean penguins,” Lucky supplied helpfully. “It’s fuck like bunnies. Mate like penguins.”

Rami winked at Lucky over his shoulder. “You telling me you don’t fuck your mates like bunnies?”

Lucky flushed, making Dimitri scowl and lean over to clip Rami around the head. “Stop that shit before I let Sebastian stab you.”

I tensed. Fuck, I didn’t want Matty thinking of me like that. “I wouldn’t do that.”

Several people snorted, while Matty himself twisted his head to look at me. “Really? Because, no offence, but you do look a little murdery right now.”

“Well he needs to hurry up and stop touching you,” I grumbled, my fingers edging under his shirt and seeking out the warmth of his skin. He shivered as my thumb ran back and forth over the small patch I found.

“He’s helping me, not hurting me,” Matty said in a whisper. “You said you’d…ya know…unalive anyone who hurt me. That’s not what’s happening.”

No, but he was touching Matty. His flirty disposition had made him uncomfortable. And that was unacceptable.

But there were too many nosy eyes watching my reaction. Too many supernatural ears that could easily pick up our whispers.

So I did nothing aside from count Matty’s breaths. One. Two. Three. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

Matty lifted his hand to cover mine where it lay on his thigh. He mimicked the small motions I was making on his abdomen.

It was the gentlest of touches. A minute motion that somehow felt like everything.

Slowly, his touch began to ground me. His relaxed posture reassured me he was calm. His steady breathing told me he was safe.

By the time Rami announced that he was finished, my murderous intentions had faded. Matty’s presence had soothed my fury into nothing more than a disgruntled murmur.

Still, it was enough to make me eyeball Rami until he’d put a respectful amount of distance between himself and Matty. He held up his hands in surrender, his lazy grin knowing.
