Page 72 of A Game Of Choice

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I used to think that if I wasn’t so hung up on Toby, I could have ended up having a crush on Bishop. It wouldn’t be all that hard to do. He’s a good guy, cares about his family, is an amazing friend, and... well, like I said, he’s hot.

But never did I think he would just flash me his dick. I know we’re close friends, but not that close.

Shaking my head from wherever my thoughts were about to go, I quickly change into my bikini. It’s a cute one I got over the summer. It’s white with cherries and a red trim. The top is more like a bra and I love how my breasts look in it.

Would Bishop like it?

Why would I even care?

“What has gotten into you, Lilly?” I mutter to myself as I grab a hair tie. Bundling my hair up on top of my head, I give myself a once-over in the mirror.

“Ready?” I ask, opening the bathroom door.

He turns around to look at me. “Hey, Lills, I’m sorry about—” his words are cut off as his eyes hungrily roam my body.

I bite my lower lip without thinking, my body flushing at the attention he’s giving me. And why do I like it so much?

“Fuck,” I hear him curse under his breath before he clears his throat and runs a hand through his hair. “You look...” His eyes narrow as he stares at something on my belly before his eyes widen. “Shit, when did you get your belly button done?”

I look down at the cute ring dangling from my navel. “Oh, over the summer.” I grin up at him. “Isn’t it cute? I think I want to get my nipples done next.”

He lets out a choking sound and I’m so close to laughing at the way his eyes practically bug out of his head.

“Nipples. Ah, yeah. That would be... fucking hell.” He spins around on his heel and takes off out of the pool house.

I beam with victory. Two can play this game, Mr. Grant.

Chapter 19


What the hell am I doing? I was just playing some fucked up game of chicken with my childhood best friend. I would have done it too. I would have pulled my damn dick out because, well, it’s just who I am. I’m very comfortable with my body and... well, a dick is just a dick. I mean, I don’t go flashing it around to random unexpecting girls because that's creepy and a good way to get arrested, but I’m a hockey player, stripping down to nothing in front of a group of guys in the locker room is an everyday occurrence.

But the way she looked at me... fucking hell. Her eyes were wide, cheeks flushed a bright pink. I expected her to give me some kind of sassy remark or tell me to fuck off, maybe give me the finger. I didn’t think she would keep looking.

The competitive person in me wanted to see how far I could push her until I won, but she lasted longer than I expected. I was seconds away from flashing her.

Then, when she ran inside the bathroom, all I could think about was her looking at my dick.

What’s with me lately? Am I that sex deprived that I’m thinking about my best friend in a sexual way?

Because I was. I had to get out of there because the thoughts that ran through my mind when I saw her step out in that fucking cherry bikini were downright sinful.

Since when has Lilly become such a... woman? She’s a tiny little thing—that’s why I sometimes call her Shorty—with skin so creamy and untouched. Her body is like an hourglass. Big hips, tiny belly, and her tits, fucking hell.

And then I saw the belly button piercing and my thoughts got dirtier. I’ve seen girls with their belly button pierced before, but never did I find myself wanting to know what it feels like as I slowly lick my way down to her—

Lilly steps out of the pool house, drawing my attention like I’m under some sort of spell. I watch as she makes her way to the deep end, her hips swaying with every step, and fuck me, her ass looks so damn good in those bottoms.

Stop it, Bishop, that’s your best friend's girl.

Only, she’s not. He’s made it clear that even though he has feelings for her, he won’t be doing anything about them.

If you don’t count their little dry humping session they had last week.

Still, it’s wrong. What kind of friend am I, having these thoughts about someone my best friend loves?

I can’t help it. It’s hard not to. I thought I buried my attraction for Lilly deep down a long time ago and it went away, but maybe I’ve just been playing one big game of denial.
