Page 6 of Jason

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She nodded. “He forgot that his phone was synched with the tablet. It kept going off, so I decided to check it and I saw all the messages from him and Jaqueline. I didn’t want to believe it at first, but he responded, and she had pictures of them together.”

I felt bad for her, but I wished I could kill him for what he had done to her. She told me she didn’t know what to do. I told her to follow her heart and it will tell her what to do but wait until she calmed down.

While holding her, all those feelings I hid came back on me so hard. I knew it was probably the wrong time to tell her, but I couldn’t hide my feelings anymore.

“If you were mine, I would never cheat on you.”

She looked up at me with her tear-stained face. “What do you mean, yours?”

“I always had feelings for you, but I thought you didn’t see me that way. I tried to hide my feelings, but I’m tired of hiding them from you. I have always wanted to be with you, and this might be my opening. It may make me an asshole for telling you at this exact moment, but I had to let you know.”

She moved away from me and said I should probably leave so she can rest. I felt like I had ruined our friendship, but I got up and left.

She didn’t contact me for two days after that, and I was so scared she no longer wanted to talk to me. I even called Darius to see how she was doing, and he got worried because he wanted to know why I was checking on his sister. I could tell she hadn’t told him about the cheating, so I explained I was just checking on her because we all are friends and I wanted to make sure she wasn’t at home lonely. He seemed to accept my excuse, and I quickly changed the subject.

After day two, she contacted me and asked me to come over. I went over to her house and hugged her as soon as she opened the door. She hugged me back, and we hung out in the living room. We talked and laughed like I didn’t pour my heart out to her the last time I saw her. I was so glad she didn’t act weird around me after my confession.

When it got late, she walked me to the door and surprised me when she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me goodbye. She had never kissed me before, and I was a little taken aback by it. I walked out of her house on cloud nine.

We continued to hang out every day after that. Even if I was tired after work, I still made time to go see her, and she always gave me a peck on the cheek before I left.

The guys were slowly leaving Darius’s house after we got done helping Dawn move. They all wanted to beat up Craig, but Darius told them she had forbidden them from doing it and he wanted to respect her wishes.

I made sure to stay until everyone left so we could have a conversation about Dawn.

“Do you really like my sister man?”

I smiled. “I love your sister.”

Darius raised his brows. “Hold up, you love my sister? How long?”

“Yes, and for a long time now. I always had a crush on her and that just turned into love. I really tried to agree to your rule, but she’s worth me breaking that rule. I hope we can still be cool, but if not, I still want to be with your sister.”

He stared me down as if he was trying to intimidate me. “Well, if you all decide to make it work, then I’ll be fine with it. But know this: you hurt my sister, and I will hurt you.”

We laughed, and just like that, we were back to joking and goofing around like old times. I received a message from Dawn asking me to come over, and I told Darius I had to leave.



Idrove back to my new home and was so glad that the guys helped me unpack. All I had left to unpack were the things for my room and I would be done. My room was simple since I hadn't decorated it yet. The gray walls matched the gray and white carpet. There was a small grey and white bench at the foot of the bed.

I only had one bedside table that was on my side of the bed with a lamp that stood on top of it. Instead of having a picture on the wall, I had a mirror above my headboard. A chair sat in the corner of the room and was adjacent to the en-suite bathroom. After unpacking, I sat on my queen-size bed and rested.

I was glad I had the courage to move on. I thought it would be harder but realized that since I’m mostly home by myself anyway, and he is a cheater, then it would be easy for me to move on.

My phone started dinging, and I checked it to see who it was from. I had multiple messages from my old friend group. They did a group chat to apologize about how they treated me, and how they felt bad about what happened with Craig. But I didn’t respond. They showed me how they felt about me after everything happened. I realized they were always his friends and were just cordial to me because I was married to him. I decided to text Jason because he was the only one who was always there for me. He quickly responded and told me he was on the way.

The doorbell rang, and as soon as I saw him, I wrapped my arms around him. I missed him. For the past few months, we saw each other every day, so this week has been too long without him. In the living room, we watched a movie on Netflix.

I snuggled under him, and he wrapped one of his muscular arms around me. I laid the cover on top of us and enjoyed the movie. He rubbed his hand on my side while watching the movie. I don’t think he realized what his body heat and arm rubbing was doing to me. I hadn’t had sex in almost a year because of all the touring Craig was doing, and when he was home, he acted like he was too tired to have sex with me. I realize now he was getting it from someone else at the time. I just overlooked all the red flags between us.

While he watched the movie, I just watched him. I could tell he was looking at me watch him from his side eye. I kissed his cheek and moved my hand up and down his chest. I wanted to taste his lips again, so I straddled his lap and kissed his lips.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. I could feel his manhood get bigger and bigger under me. I began to grind my hips. My dress inched up around my thighs and I moaned at the feel of him on my panties. His tongue entered my mouth as soon as I moaned. My panties were drenched with how much he had me aroused.

I tried to unbutton his shirt, but he stopped me, gripping my hips to still me.
