Page 8 of Jason

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I ate and got ready for work. It has been some time since I last worked, and I was nervous for my first day back. I was having a good workday until lunch. Mark decided to treat me to lunch for my first day back. While we were enjoying our lunch, an old friend came by and said I should get back with Craig because he was heartbroken. I almost didn’t recognize her. Her black hair was now in a short pixie style but still matched her brown eyes and tan skin. I told her I was done with Craig, and that she should stay out of it. She was always in other’s business and that’s why I had stopped talking to her after college.

My phone rang and I excused myself while I took the call. I was so glad to hear Jason’s voice. We talked during his entire lunch break and I kind of felt bad for having Mark sit and listen to me on the phone during our lunch. I apologized multiple times, but he claimed it was okay.

After work, I told Jason I was too tired for company. I forgot how much it takes out of me to be on my feet all day in heels. He joked that he could come give me a foot rub and leave.

I laughed and told him I wished he would.

He told me he would call me back, and about ten minutes later, he called back saying open the door.

Opening the door, he said, “I’m just here to give you a foot rub and leave.”

Even though I was tired, I was happy to see him. We moved to the living room to settle on the couch with my feet on his lap.

While he was rubbing my foot, he asked about my workday. I told him about my visitor at lunch and how Mark had to sit and watch me talk to him during my lunch break. I noticed how he tensed once I said Mark’s name.

“Is it the same Mark you went to college with?” he asked.

I told him yes, and he made a face.

“What is the face for?”

He shook his head. “Mark always had a crush on you. He’s trying to get with you since you’re getting a divorce.”

“I know Mark likes me, but I told him I don’t want anything but a friendship with him.”

“Did you tell him that we were together?”

I shook my head. “I didn’t want to hurt his feelings after putting him in the friend zone.”

“Are we going to hide our relationship once you get divorced?”

“No,” I firmly say.

“Then you should have told Mark about us then.”

He got up to leave, and I told him he could stay, but he reiterated he only came to give me a foot rub. He kissed my forehead and left.

He texted to let me know he was home and since he had to get up early, he was going to bed. I know he was upset about the Mark situation, but I didn’t think he would react like this. I felt horrible and hoped we could work through this. Since I haven’t dated someone in so long, this all felt new to me. I was only with one guy my whole life and he never cared about guys who liked me hanging out with me. I hope that this jealousy trait Jason has doesn’t get worse.

The next morning, I decided to text Jason. He didn’t respond right away, but when he did, it was just short answers. I asked if he was coming over after work and he told me he probably wouldn’t since he was so busy with work. I said okay and stopped texting him.

When Craig was upset with me, he would give me short answers. He was letting me know he wanted me to leave him alone. I didn’t think Jason would act like him, but maybe it’s a guy thing. These short answers from Jason are exactly what Craig used to do. I have come to the conclusion that if Jason wants to talk to me, he would reach out to me.

The day slowly dragged on, and Mark decided to eat lunch with me again. He is cool and makes me laugh, but he isn’t Jason. I checked my phone to see if Jason texted or called me, but he hadn’t. I felt awful and couldn’t wait for the workday to be over. Once I left the office, I went by my brother’s house. Not wanting to be alone, I asked Darius if I could spend the night.

“Yes but tell me what’s wrong. Did Craig do something again? Don’t tell me Jason is already messing up.” My brother knows me so well, but I couldn’t tell him that I had a misunderstanding with Jason. Not while they just started talking again.

I said, “Nothing is wrong, I just missed you.” He knows when I’m lying, but he didn’t probe any further.

It was early, but since I was feeling down, I decided to lay down in the guest room and let sleep find me.

I dozed off before I heard my phone vibrating. I didn’t even check the caller ID when I answered, “Hello?”

“Are you sleeping?” Jason asked. “Is that why you’re not coming to the door? I brought food to apologize for my shitty behavior in person.”

I quickly sat up. “I was at Darius’s, but stay there. I’ll be there in ten minutes.” I hung up, jumped out of bed, and put my heels back on. Darius was still in the living room when I walked to his door and told him I was going home.

He just shook his head and smiled.
