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“There’s just many things going through my head.”

“Like what?”

“That I want to fill you up with my eggs,” I say bluntly.

She flinches from surprise. “Fill me with your eggs?”

“Yes. You know that’s how naga claim their mates,” I explain. I hold her chin up. “That’s what I want to do with you, at least someday. I’m not asking you to do that right now. I’m just daydreaming.”

Relief washes over her, with a hint of disappointment. Mine is even greater compared to hers, though. But even I know that’s a terrible idea because it will ruin everything.

“Can I ask, why not now?”

“Don’t tell me you’re eager for something like that?” I muse.

She blushes and shakes her head. “It’s not that but, I don’t know. I find it quite romantic, I guess,” she says, laughing uncomfortably.

I grab her jaw. “You do? You’d like that?”

“Well, I suppose so. Don’t you think so as well?”

“Of course, I do. I’ll be obsessively thinking about it until it comes true. But now’s not the time for it. As much as I want everyone to know you're mine, it can put you in danger.”

I can’t just advertise to everyone she’s mine. I have to hide it. If the King were to find out, there’d be an issue. It wouldn't take a genius to know whose eggs she carries. To be able to hide a pregnancy, I’d have to make sure she never leaves my room. I’d have to be the only one that comes in and out of here.

“Do you really think they’ll punish me even if I’m carrying your eggs?”

“I honestly don’t know. They could force you to lose my eggs to punish the both of us. They could kill you to punish me. I know my position will be stripped or I’ll be sent somewhere else.”

This will surely be what sends the King over the edge. I don’t want to risk having her killed because of my selfish wishes. There’s already too much to risk right now.

Fuck, I hate to even think this is how Lasta felt with his wench.

I refuse to even be sympathetic to what he went through. He still betrayed me in the end for a measly slave that’s not even worth a speck of dirt. I’ll commend him for being able to hide it even after I confronted him.

Which means this arrangement is fine. I just have to lay low and not attract attention. What I do in my bedroom is no one else’s business but my own. But I’ll be more discreet when bringing Maya in here. I’ll have to do it in the dead of night when most of the palace is sleeping.

I don’t want anyone to think that they’re free to do what I’m doing. There shouldn't be more mixing between humans and naga. Maya is the only exception to this since she’s not like the other humans in the slightest. Any kin from us will be exceptional, even compared to Zalith’s children.

I just have to be patient, that’s all. I’ll resolve the issue I created and then I can be with Maya without problem. Even if it can take years before that can happen.

I have to take care of the mission.

I sit up, sighing, preparing myself to tell her the bad news. I fix Maya on my lap so she’s straddling me.

“Listen, I can’t take you with me to Lodra. The King’s giving me grief over this whole thing, and I have to abide by his orders for the meantime,” I explain while grazing her cheek.

Suddenly, she moves away from my touch. Her eyebrow wrinkles as she glares at me.


“What do you mean you can’t take me with you?” she shouts. “You promised me I’d go with you!”

What the fuck?

Where’s this sudden attitude coming from? She even makes fists while still scowling at me. I’m not even pissed. I’d say I’m overwhelmingly confused as to why she suddenly switched to show such an assertive side.

“I know I said that. But the King –”
