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“Do you have any questions about anything?”

“Do you like living here in the castle?”

“Oh, yes, this place has become my home. Of course, once this war business is over, it will be a much happier place to be. I have many friends here.”

“Human friends?” I light up.

“Yes, my best friend Lorelai will be very happy to meet you. Krista as well. They will love you.”

“But isn’t Selliss an enemy to their mates?”

“It’s complicated. But yes, he was. They will accept him though. In time, everything will be okay.”

“How can you be so sure?” I ask.

“Because I’ve witnessed it happen, and it happened to me. Forgive me if I’m a bit too optimistic, but I can’t help it.”

Funnily enough, despite my worries, I start to believe her. Of course, I’m still hesitant, but she makes life here seem so nice that I can’t help but believe it.

“Thank you for being so nice to me. In Yadat, things were… different.”

“I can only imagine. I’ve heard terrible things. But that will change. We will get the rest of the humans out of Yadat.”

I tear up, thinking of my old friend Ella. I can only hope that she is still alive and that she holds on until we can save her. Please gods, let her still be alive.

“I’m sorry that you had to go through all of that,” the Princess says, smiling at me sympathetically.

“Thank you, Aurora.”

“Please, call me Rory.”

I smile at her, and I truly am thankful for her kindness. It’s the only thing getting me through the rest of this day when all I can think about is being in Selliss’ arms.



“Selliss?” Maya asks tiredly from the bed we share. “Where are you going this early? Is the Prince looking for you?”

I go and kiss her forehead. “No, nothing like that. I just thought maybe I could train for a little while.”

“This early, though? I thought you weren't given that much free range here.”

“Well, they probably know that I know that if I try something, I’ll have my head chopped off,” I say, laughing dryly. But she doesn’t find it funny and frowns. “I’m kidding. They know I wouldn’t risk leaving you alone. I’m also pretty sure the guards are still around to keep a watchful eye on me.”

She sighs and stands up from the bed to hug me. I squeeze her tight, just for my own reassurance. Times are still delicate and nothing’s for certain. I want to remember the feeling of touching her like this, basking in her scent.

She kisses my cheek. I return the gesture on her sweet lips, lingering my gaze on her lovely eyes. I break away, knowing that it’d want to do more than that. I head towards the training grounds at the crack of dawn.

I have about an hour or so before Lodra’s army starts their own training. Before Lasta comes up to me and we get into another altercation. He’s been keeping his distance from me this whole week we’ve been here.

I know Krista was pregnant, but I’m not sure if they’ve had their litter already. I don’t know how many, but I’m sure any amount would keep anyone highly busy. Not to mention that Lasta’s on top of security around Lodra, stationing soldiers around to quell any signs of unrest.

I take a dummy weapon to avoid taking another’s by accident. Now that I’m here, I’m wondering if I should be doing this. What will the other soldiers I used to work with say to me?

“I should've just stayed in bed with Maya,” I mutter.

I look over at the sidelines, noticing the guards Lasta placed for me. They don’t break eye contact and stare right through me, watching my every move.
