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My little training session goes by fast. In the blink of an eye, I hear the clanking of armor and swords in the distance.

I wave at the guards to let them know I’m done. They start following behind me, when I start noticing the rest of the palace waking up. The blacksmiths, the maids, the advisors, the groundskeepers, everyone is moving around the palace. Even the palace chefs carry boxes of food.

Among them, Krista walks alongside another female. By the looks of it, it’s her maid, and they happily chat away as they head towards the healer’s quarters.

She hasn't given birth?

She holds her swollen belly with both hands, waddling too fast. I wait for Lasta to snap at her to slow down, but he’s nowhere around.

I can’t believe he’s letting her wander around by herself like that. If Maya was…

I myself stop walking, going back to my fantasies about impregnating her. I glance back at Krista, wondering if my beloved will also look just as happy carrying my eggs. Will she have a hard time walking, too? Will we have as many children as Prince Zalith and Lasta?

I can imagine how much different a human pregnancy will be compared to a normal naga female carrying eggs. Even naga females can die in childbirth from it. Despite knowing this, those two still went ahead and chose human mates.

I suppose everything is different when having a human mate.

I turn my sight back towards Krista, who already disappeared. I follow the path she took towards the healers, curious about her pregnancy.

I’d like to know more about it, in case I’m ever blessed by Vatia. As I’m walking towards the healer’s hut, I see Lasta approaching the women. His expression sours as he marches towards Krista. He nods at the maid, gesturing for her to leave them.

Lasta folds his arms as he talks down to Krista, who looks a little nervous about something. I walk closer to get a good listen in their conversation, without Lasta noticing of course.

“I told you to wait until I returned. What if something happens to you on the way here?” he scolds her as he rubs her belly.

“I’m fine, my love. I felt a little sick this morning and wanted a bit of medicine,” Krista explains.

Lasta frowns. “Sick? How long? Why didn’t you say anything?” he says, holding her arms.

She laughs. “It’s just a little nausea. I can’t cook if everything I make smells awful to me.”

“You’re carrying eight eggs, Krista. You don’t have to cook for me. That’s why you have the maid.”

“But I wanted us to have a romantic dinner tonight. We won’t have a lot of time alone after the babies are here.”

Lasta sighs, relenting to her wishes. “The second you feel sick, you will stop. Understand?”

She giggles as she reaches for his face to kiss him. I quickly decide to leave. Their relationship is more affectionate than I thought Lasta would be. He shows a softer side.

Is that what I look like from the outside when I’m with Maya?

I walk around the palace grounds, finding any work to do or if I could offer a helping hand. But I can’t help but remember Krista’s mention of their romantic dinner. It sounds like there’s still courtship after the mating ceremony.

Would Maya like one of those dinners? I don’t think she has a favorite food.

I nearly bump into the other two naga-human couples. Prince Zalith and Princess Aurora are in the gardens with Lorelai and Slyth. The Prince tries to wrangle his children while the Princess chats with Slyth and Lorelai.

They all look… normal… and loving. The Princess beams at the Prince getting tumbled by four of his children. Slyth carries one of his young while having an arm wrapped around Lorelai’s shoulders.

Slyth’s children try to catch up with the royal children in tackling Prince Zalith. They’re still crawling but make high-pitched noises. The Princess picks up two of her children from the Prince’s head. He stands up laughing, picking up three kids.

The whole picture looks overwhelmingly endearing. Not a second goes by without showing any sort of affection. I thought such a thing only existed between Maya and me, but it goes to show that I’m not as affectionate with her as I should be.

A different guard approaches Prince Zalith, and the naga part ways with their mates and children. They don’t leave without a few kisses to them or their children.

I take it as my cue to leave, with many ideas running through my head.
