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“That just means that she knows exactly what she’s doing,” Kryon shoots back. “The rest of you will have to train your women. Me, I won’t have to do any of the work. These older women are a gem, my friend.”

The conversation continues with Kryon describing exactly how and why he will be fucking the woman he had chosen.

And my thoughts turn to Maya again while I listen to their graphic fantasies.

You could actually do those things with her, I admit to myself. I can imagine doing a lot of things to Maya without feeling sick to my stomach.

Dransa remains quiet throughout the conversation, only commenting once or twice, and I find myself liking him more and more. He might not hate humans as much as I would like in a naga, but he doesn’t seem to be jumping for joy at the thought that he is about to get his cock wet.

“I’m going to fuck her sideways, I swear.” Everyone in the room bursts into cheers again as Kryon explains how he is going to contort his woman’s body to get that done.

And all the while, all I am thinking about is Maya.

It wouldn’t be that bad, I think to myself as I remember her vibrant, red hair, and those long eyelashes.

It wouldn’t be that bad.



“I’m going to become a plaything soon,” I whisper to myself, clenching a fist over my chest.

I huddle in a corner, gaining any last bit of comfort before that happens. I take in the feeling of my body being mine alone for just this last moment.

I hear the heavy footsteps marching from the end of the hallway. Even just by walking, they sound so aggressive and violent.

The trembling begins from the tips of my fingers, up my arms, and throughout my whole body. I dig my nails in my palms so they won’t notice it.

They stop at my cell. One of the soldiers opens the cell door, throwing it wide open. The smugness on their faces is a change from their usual disgust and scorn.

“Get up. It’s your time to be useful, slave,” he barks at me.

I swallow hard and quickly, getting to my feet. Then he shoves me out of the cell and I almost stumble into one of the other soldiers.

“Hurry the fuck up. Don’t make the male wait for a wretched thing like you,” another soldier snaps while pulling my arm.

I accidentally yelp. The first soldier pulls me away from the other one. At this point, I feel like a dirty rag being passed around.

“Don’t leave bruises on her, you idiot. They can’t have any impurities on their bodies.”

“A bruise isn't the same as a scar. Besides, it’s not like it’ll appear right when we leave her with Selliss.”

Selliss… So that's the name of my ‘first.’

They shove me to the front so I can follow the one leading the group towards the barracks. I try to avoid looking at any of them. I don't dare to look up or to the sides. My eyes strictly follow the steps of the soldier in front of me. I’m careful not to knock against his back or step on his tail.

I’ll have to do everything in my power to be as obedient as I can. Even if it means humiliating myself over and over again.

It’s for your own survival.

They pull my dress, nearly ripping it.

“Stop walking. We’re here.”

All the doors look the same from the outside. The difference will be who’s inside and what they’ll do.

A soldier knocks on the wooden door. “Selliss, your prey’s here,” he says, flashing me a grin.
