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“Open the door and leave her here,” a deep and sharp voice answers from the other side.

I’m shoved inside like a box of merchandise. The door slams behind me, and I’m left face-to-face with the one called Selliss. He sits on the edge of his large bed, staring at me with a scowl.

I don't greet him and keep my stare down at the floor. No words are exchanged as he analyzes me from head to toe. Then I hear him get up from the bed. He slowly saunters towards me and circles.

There’s a low growl in his chest. His tongue slithers out when he comes in front of me.

After what feels like forever, he stops in front of me.

“Look up,” he orders.

Slowly, I do as he says. My eyes trail all the way up, up, up, over toned ropes of muscle and imposing, glimmering scales. By the time I reach his face, I’m nearly breathless.

He’s beautiful. The thought blares through my head before I can stifle it. It’s not untrue, I suppose, but beautiful doesn’t seem to do this naga justice. He’s alluring in the way I’d imagine a knife is alluring to a torture victim. The promise of end, of release, of sweet reprieve. I notice the diamond shapes decorating his tanned scales. He looks like he’s made from the scorching sand.

His eyes narrow. “What is your regular work?”

I clear my throat. “I-I work in the fields –”

“You worked in the fields. Now you’ll dedicate your wasteful existence to something much more vulgar. I’m sure this is nothing new to you since you’ve been picked.”

I shake my head. “No, I never…”

He grunts and pulls my jaw towards him. “Never what? Never been nothing but a debauched piece of meat?”

“No, master,” I say.

He shoves me away, nearly spitting for simply touching me. He sits back down on the edge of the bed.

“Take your clothes off.”


“I said take your clothes off. Slowly,” he snaps.

I nod, understanding what it is that he’s asking for. Trying to control my trembling hands, I bend over to reach my undergarments. I slip them from underneath me, trying to accentuate my legs.

I drop them on the floor next to me. Then, I pull the dress down to my shoulders, ready to take it off. For a moment, I hesitate as it slides down to my breasts. One warning growl from him and my breasts are exposed.

He smirks. “I thought you wouldn’t be so developed.”

I don’t reply to his backhanded compliment and keep taking my dress off. Once the piece of clothing pools around my feet, I stand up straight, waiting for more instructions. Selliss looks pleased with my body, with the way he grins and nods slowly.

“Turn around slowly so I can see everything. Move your hands.”

I lift my hands from my belly and do a full circle. The room feels quite cold, and it makes my nipples perk up. This doesn’t go unnoticed by him. There’s almost a spark in the slits of his eyes.

“You follow instructions well, slave. Not bad for a human.”

His grin widens, and he reaches for a coarse rope hanging from his bed. He throws it at my feet.

“Put this on your neck,” he says. “Make sure to adjust it well.”

He takes out a longer rope that seems to appear out of nowhere and throws it as well.

“When you’re done, tie the end of this rope to the one around your neck. Then give me the other end.”

As confused as I am, I follow his orders diligently. Once I give him the other end, he pulls it so hard that I fall onto my knees. The rope on my neck tightens, sinking into my skin.
