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I feel that way about all of them. They take my breath away.

I crawl across the bed to curl up against him. He puts his arm under my head and kisses my forehead.

“We haven’t decided,” Taylor announces.

“I thought we’d talk about it.” Bar challenges. I watch as he slinks towards us, all lithe and dark. That mop of hair hangs over his eyes, and he flashes me a knowing grin.

“Ruby,” Gold says simply.

Acton stands up, and I find my eyes drawn to him. He stretches, his back muscles flexing, and I watch, hypnotised. I lick my lips until a pillow hits Acton in the side of the head. I giggle.

“Knock it off.” Jet says in exasperation.

Acton looks around, confused. “What?”

He still has no idea of how attractive he is. Or how sometimes I find myself sitting with Bar and Jet while we stare at him doing something that requires muscles, all three of us mesmerised with drool dripping out our mouths. Gold has threatened to tell him if he finds us doing it again. I accused him of being jealous. Bar suggested he do some heavy lifting and test if he gets the same response. Jet suggested we ask Taylor to lift something. Gold threw up his hands and walked away.

But the next day, we found Gold, Acton, and Taylor moving furniture. It was one of the best hours of my life.

The room falls silent.

“Ruby?” Taylor asks slowly, as if he’s chewing the word over. Fucking hell, all that man needs to do is talk, and I want to jump him.

Gold opens one eye and watches him. “Ruby.”

I snuggle closer to him and close my eyes. “Ruby.” I hum. I like it. Ruby. It’s nice.

Bar lays down with his face close to mine. “Scarlet, tell me the story again. The one you’ll tell our daughter.”

I smile. I don’t know why he enjoys hearing it so much, but I tell the story whenever he asks. As I talk, Gold draws circles on my stomach. Jet sits on the end of the bed, chatting softly with Acton, and I can feel Taylor through the bond, quietly watching over all of us from the other side of the bed.

I send my emotions through the bond. All the love. All the happiness.

It comes back five times over.

Jet crawls up over me and kisses me. I love that he feels the need to touch me all the time. I love that a single smile from him lifts my heart, and a touch sets my body on fire. If Bar isn’t there, Jet is sifting through my emotions, putting my world back to rights. He stares into my eyes before his crinkle as he smiles. He never stops making sure I know I’m loved, wanted, and am perfect.

“Love you, too, baby girl.” He mouths.

“Why was Red so stupid?” Bar asks in a deep purr that sends a thrill through me.

“She wasn’t stupid. Red was smart. But wolves wear the best disguises.” It takes me three tries to get the sentences out, thanks to Bar’s teasing.

Bar pulls the crimson blanket up to cover the three of us. I tuck my head under his chin and smile. His hands stroke down my arms before his hands find mine, touching the five plain bands I wear on my finger and moving to lace our fingers together. He still worries sometimes he’s not enough, that he's too messed up. I guess trauma is something we’re all going to work through.

It comes out differently in all of us. I don’t like being left alone. Acton has days where he just sinks into a depression. Jet has trouble trusting strangers. Gold worries about us all the time, and Taylor needs to control everything.

But we help each other. Balance each other out. Love might not solve all our problems, but it’s smoothing the edges out.

Living with them is easy most of the time. Loving them is easy all the time. It helps that we’re all so committed to this world we’ve created for ourselves. I thank the stars every day for that accident of running into our Omega on the trail. I thank the stars I got so lucky. I feel another kick and close my eyes. Our child will not know rejection or hate from her parents. She won’t be made to feel shame, and she will be safe. Her fathers and I will destroy anyone who even looks at her wrong.

“But luckily for Red, she was a wolf all along. She just didn’t know it. Then she found the other wolves, and they lived happily ever after.” I say, finishing the story.

“I like that ending better,” Gold murmurs.

“Why?” I ask with an amused smile. “It’s not Gran’s ending.”

“Because it’s happy. They get their happily ever after.” Jet says and lays down behind Bar, snuggling into him. He reaches out to run his fingers along my shoulder. I grab his hand and kiss his palm.

“It’s our story,” Bar says sleepily. Oranges waft around the room, and I inhale, feeling the scent of our happy omega pull me into a relaxed bubble.

Acton lays down behind Jet, kissing the other man’s shoulder. God, I love how much they love each other. Taylor moves behind Gold, wrapping an arm around him. His fingers brush my skin, and I open my eyes to look at him. I mouth I love you to him and see him smile. I love to make him smile. To make them all smile. A sigh of contentment slips from me because I’m never happier than when we’re all together.

I’ve found my place, but it’s not like they said it would be. I’m an alpha, and I’m female. There are things I’m good at and things I’m not. I don’t need to be what they say I have to be, that image of a cutthroat woman who is all strength and power. I can be soft and cared for, just as my omega can be savage and strong. When I need to be alpha, it will rise in me, and I’ll protect my family. I know that. What’s more important is being a member of this family. However that entails, however it looks.

“Bar’s right, we’ve got moonlight and fairy tales, we’ll get our happy ending, too,” Taylor says confidently. “We’re the wolves, after all.”
