Page 22 of Gunner's War

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“Oh, I mean it,” she responded and released his hand to put both of hers on his abdomen and begin a slow trek up his body. “The question is are we going to stop dancing around this attraction and do something about it?”

“Whenever you’re ready.”

“How about right now?”

Oakley made a small sound of surprise when he wrapped his arms around her and walked her backwards. “Come on, boys,” he said as he headed for the back door of the cottage with his gaze locked on hers.

He didn’t expect them to obey, but they did. Gunner reached the door, and keeping his arms around Oakley, freed one hand to twist the doorknob. He walked her inside, and the pups followed. Once he closed the door behind them, he turned and backed Oakley up against it.

Gunner took her hands and stretched them up over her head. His body pressed against hers, and she wiggled one leg free, raised it high enough to wrap around his hip and pull him tighter.

“You might be playing with fire, hot stuff.” He rocked his pelvis against her.

“Well, you do have a shower, don’t you?” She nibbled his chin and wound her other leg around his waist.

“I do.”

“Then I reckon we’re safe.”

“Not even close.”

Oakley laughed. “Big promises there ,Gun. You think you can deliver?”


“Then bring it, big guy.”

“You got it.” He released her hands, put his under her rear, and carried her into the bathroom.

Undressing was a battle of hands, both fighting to get the other naked the quickest. Once their clothing lay in a puddle at their feet, Oakley took a step back. “I think I just died and went to Valhalla.”


“Yep,” she smiled and reached up to place both hands on his wide pecs. She watched her hands as she slowly trailed them down his body. “You had to have been a Viking in another life.”

“I could say the same about you, hot stuff.”

She smiled, and there was enough power in her smile to have him forgetting about being flirtatious, slow, or gentle. Hers wasn’t the smile of a woman trying to tease a man, it was of a siren about to lure him into a fate of her choosing.

That was fine with him. All that mattered was she was naked, and he was about to put his hands all over her, along with his mouth. And when he finished with that, he was going to sink into her heat and see if he survived the fire.

And if he didn’t, then all he had to say is, what a way to go.

Chapter Eight

Oakley couldn’t remember a nicer morning. Waking up wrapped in Gunner’s arms after a night of mind-blowing sex was an experience she hoped to repeat. Many times. She did have to chuckle at his bed, however. Thanks to his height, he didn’t fit well on a standard bed. Something was going to hang off.

So, he eliminated that issue by building a frame that held a king-size mattress and at its foot an extra-long twin turned horizontally. Both had clean sheets, and there was a sheet and blanket on the bed, but you couldn’t ever call it a “made bed”. Not that she cared.

She’d slept like that proverbial log. Sex with Gunner was a life-altering experience. She’d halfway expected him to be a barbarian, and he could definitely fill that bill upon request. He was a very intuitive, skilled lover and a man who lost no masculinity by letting a woman be dominant.

That was an incredible turn-on. Most men were a little intimidated by her demanding sexual nature. Not Gunner, he just grinned and gave her the lead. She couldn’t remember ever being with a man like him. Ever. He was one of a kind.

Which made it too easy to fall for him. Oakley worried about that for five minutes, then let it go. She wasn’t the fall in love kind and didn’t expect anything more from him than this. Funny, but if she had to give up sex or friendship, she’d be hard-pressed to make a choice. Oakley didn’t have many friends; she didn’t let many people in.

Gunner was different. He’d walked in without asking permission and without force. He just was. There was something about it. She was intrigued and enjoyed being with him, in and out of bed. Time would tell if it was meant to be more. For now, she’d enjoy her time with him. In less than forty-eight hours, she had to report in for duty.

Caught up in thought, she paid no attention to the fact that her hand was drifting slowly over his abdomen. She felt the way the hair running from his navel to his groin thickened the lower her hand moved.
