Page 33 of Love in Kentbury

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My pulse jumps, but I need to know: “What about the kids? Will this affect them?”

“With this new information, I’m confident we can build a solid case against him and significantly improve Lou’s chances of sole custody,” Hunter asserts, a note of vindication in his voice.

“We’ll let you share the news with Lou yourself,” Ameline interjects gently. “We can set up a meeting later this week to discuss next steps. For now, go enjoy the festival.”

I lower the phone to see Lou staring at me, arms wrapped around herself. But there’s an icy look in her eyes now, too. “What did they find?”

I meet her eyes. “They’ve uncovered evidence against your ex—questionable business deals and affairs.” I pause, letting it sink in. “Proof he’s unfit as a parent.”

Lou presses a mittened hand to her mouth, eyes glistening. “Are you serious?” she whispers.

“One hundred percent. This changes everything, baby. We’ll bring them home soon.”

A choked sob escapes Lou as she collapses into my arms. I envelop her shaking frame, cheek pressed to her wool hat as emotions pour out in gasping breaths and tears that soak into my coat. Stroking her back, I murmur soothing words.

After some time Lou looks up, sniffling, a hesitant hope flickering across her flushed face. “I can’t believe it. This might actually be over soon.”

I brush a strand of hair from her face, cleaning her tears with my scarf. “You deserve to be happy, Lou. Truly happy.”

She blinks back fresh tears but smiles now. “Having you here through all of this . . . it’s meant more than words can say. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you for everything.”

I shake my head, smiling back. “Seeing that smile is all I’ll ever need.”

Lou laughs softly, a pretty blush coloring her cheeks. Our faces are just inches apart now, our hands still clasped. The air between us feels electric. Unable to resist, I bend closer and press my mouth to hers, capturing her lips.

Lou sighs into the kiss, her lips soft and pliant against mine. I pull her closer, one hand cradling the back of her head, the other encircling her waist. I’ve wanted this, wanted her, for so long.

Lou’s fingers thread through my hair as our bodies press together. The kiss deepens, growing more heated and urgent as all the built-up tension finally finds release.

When we come up for air, Lou gives me a coy smile that sets my pulse racing all over again. “Well, that was . . .”

“Perfect,” I finish, tucking a windswept strand of hair behind her ear.

Just then a familiar voice calls out, “Well, well . . . look who finally came up for air.”

I glance over to see McKay sauntering up to us, hands on her hips but a knowing twinkle in her eyes. Lou flushes but keeps her arm looped through mine.

Paul scowls as he and Bishop approach. “What happened to ‘stay away from my sister’?”

But before I can respond, Bishop laughs and gives Paul a playful nudge. “Oh, c’mon . . . Henrik’s a good guy. One day, I might get to give you the same warning.”

I don’t understand the comment, and before I can ask, McKay says, “I’m just so happy for you both. I mean, it took you two like sixteen years to finally get here, but, hey . . . better late than never.”

Lou rolls her eyes even as a pretty flush stains her cheeks. “Oh, stop,” she chides, but beams up at me, fingers still laced with mine.

My heart swells, even as I self-consciously note that the entire festival now seems focused on us. I’ve never been one for public displays, but Lou’s unrestrained joy proves infectious.

McKay playfully punches my arm. “I guess the secret crush is finally out. Welcome to the family, Henrik.” She waggles her eyebrows.

“We’re taking it slow,” Lou protests.

But McKay just tsks, unconvinced. “If that steamy kiss is your idea of ‘slow,’ I can’t imagine what’ll happen when you two decide to speed things up.”

Before Lou can muster a retort, Bishop chuckles. “Alright, stop teasing them.” He gently guides McKay toward the photo booth.

I reach for Lou’s hand, guiding her to follow her sister. I want to capture this moment knowing that this is the beginning—the story of us.

