Page 65 of The Wrath

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She blinked rapidly and sucked in oxygen. Air filled her lungs first. Light infiltrated her vision after.

A tide of relief crashed over her as she examined her surroundings. They’d made it to her secret hideaway in Harpina. A subrealm tucked inside another subrealm that was tucked inside her home world and forbidden to all Astra. Entering would be a declaration of war against their mentor, Chaos.

Knew I’d need this place one day.A few months ago, she’d completed a job for the enigmatic Chaos, father of Erebus as well as the powerful god who’d trained the Astra. As payment, she’d demanded this tiny biosphere with a private plunge bath and a pool house. She only wished she’d remembered it sooner.

A vibration drew her attention to Rathbone, who hadn’t budged. He lay motionless, as if dead. She croaked a denial.

“You’re going to be okay,” she vowed.

He didn’t switch forms again, but he hadn’t started healing. His eyes remained bloody sockets. His right bicep was in tatters. A gaping wound in his chest displayed his ribs.

Was the damage courtesy of Azar’s daggers?

Neeka lumbered to shaky legs and tripped to the kitchen. She was weak but not drained, the effects of the Peer manageable. After retrieving a bowl, she removed and wrung her shirt. The water trapped between the fibers splashed into the container. Far more than nineteen drops. Excellent. That done, she rushed about, gathering supplies. Anything she thought she might need. Towels and rags. Salves. A bowl of fresh water. Scissors. Um, why did she have vials of Astra blood stored in the bathroom cabinet? Whatever. She placed everything near Rathbone and—

The lights turned on and off.

Gasping, she flipped up her gaze, finding Taliyah a few feet away, dressed for war in a typical harpy uniform: a metal breastplate with breast cups, a pleated leather miniskirt, arm and shin guards, and scuffed combat boots.

“About time you showed up,” her friend said.

Neeka leaped to her feet once more, taking a protective post in front of the injured king. “How did you find me?”

“What? Like it’s hard?” The General anchored her fists on her hips. “Now that he’s out of commission, will you tell me what’s really going on?”

Wait. “You trust me?”

“You seriously gotta ask? You are the marshmallow romantic who married a psychopath so my sister could stay with her consort. Of course I trust you.”

But... “The last time we were together, you acted as if you hated me for my betrayal.”

“Uh. Yeah. Why wouldn’t I? I knew something major was happening and that you had a reason for pretending to be a traitor, so I played along, doing my part. Hey!” Taliyah frowned. “Didyounot trustmeto trust you?”

Uh... Hiding a wince, Neeka returned to her post and crouched beside Rathbone. She caressed his chest, thrilling over each of his heart beats.

The lights flicked on and off again, the General’s impatience getting the better of her. Neeka finally replied, “Why would I ever not trust you?” To her immense relief, instinct proclaimed,Now is the time. Tell Taliyah.“When you hear what I’ve got to say, you might understand.”

The story flowed from her.

Black flooded Taliyah’s eyes. A product of her phantom heritage. As a daughter of Erebus, she wielded the most amazing abilities. Neeka’s top two faves? Ghosting inside of people and turning to mist.

Rocking on her heels, the General said, “So the Astra and harpykind will be destroyed if the warlords revive the goddess.”

“Yep. They’ll release Lore’s evil power.” Neeka removed the orb from Rathbone’s neck and placed it around her own. “I can’t believe Azar will betray his brothers for such a heinous gravita,” her friend said, her already pale skin growing pallid.

“I don’t think he wants to, but she wields some kind of power over him.”

“We need to tell Roc.”

“No!” The denial exploded from her. “It’s not time. The Astra aren’t prepared to confront the truth, and they’ll do something to mess up every good thing I’ve got going.”

Taliyah scrubbed a hand over her face. “I can’t lose Roc. Iwon’t. And I won’t allow my people to be extinguished.”

“You think I will? Take my advice, and all will be well.” At least, she hoped so. “I’m so close to changing things.” She should have a new vision any day. “I just need a little more time.”

“You’ve already made changes. I didn’t know what was going on, as evidenced by Lore’s success. Now I do.”

“Good point.” But was the change big enough to make a difference?
