Page 66 of The Wrath

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Taliyah kicked into a swift pace. “There must be a way to aid you.”

Minutes passed, neither of them speaking. Neeka continued to doctor her patient without results. In fact, the more she attempted to help him, the more he bled, no matter how gentle she was. Frustration blended with fear and something she couldn’t name. Sorrow? Guilt? What if he...died?

A barbed lump grew in her throat. The same way Taliyah refused to lose Roc, Neeka refused to lose Rathbone. Because she needed him to complete her assignment. Because—just because!

She faced her friend. “He is vital to my endgame. How do I save him?”

Taliyah came to a halt, blinked, and frowned. “You like him.”

“Well, he’s likable,” she replied, a little defensive. Or a lot. Yeah, verging on a lot.

“Everyone who’s met him would disagree. Just make it easier on us all and admit he’s your consort.”

“What? No!” Neeka sputtered for a moment. Rathbone, the male fashioned for her alone? The sole being able to calm the worst of her rages with his mere presence? Who made up for her past, enriched her present, and optimized her future? “What?” she repeated. “Stop being ridiculous. This is a serious matter.”

“Or double down.” With a calculated gleam in her ice-cold blues, Taliyah withdrew a dagger, sliced her palm, and marched over. As blood welled, she thrust out her hand. “Drink. If you vomit afterward, we’ll know the truth.”

Her stomach issued a new protest at the sight. Which meant nothing. Less than nothing. “No thanks. I know he’s not my consort, and that’s good enough for me. I mean, he’s hot and all—” and a magnificent kisser, among other things “—but as I told you before, he already has a fated mate. But why won’t he heal?”

“He can’t. Not without the antidote. Azar used a toxin able to slay gods.”

An inferno of fury blazed through Neeka, torching her composure. She stood slowly, grating, “I willruinAzar.”

“No, you won’t. You will plot and scheme to save the Astra, ensuring Azar wins his task and defeats Lore before anyone dies, and I will get you the antidote. Agreed?”

No need to ponder. Taliyah wasn’t a liar. If there was no other way to save Rathbone’s life, Neeka’s choice was made. “Agreed. Help me save the king, and I’ll deliver a victory to the Astra.”

Rathbone would hate her for it. More than if she destroyed Lore on her own. No alpha male thanked the person responsible for losing a second battle with their greatest enemy.

It wouldn’t matter to him that he was gonna lose Lore anyway, even if the Astra failed. He would rage.

Would she find herself in his dungeon, strapped on one of his stone tables?

Maybe he’d forgive her. Eventually. Perhaps he’d even thank her. At some point, he had to see his lady love for what she was. Pure evil. Truth couldn’t be hidden forever; it always found a way to shine. And yes, Neeka recognized the irony. Look at all the secrets she still kept from the male.

Taliyah nodded. “Give me an hour,” she said just before she disappeared.

Neeka sank beside Rathbone and drew in a shaky breath. With a trembling hand, she smoothed wet hair from his damp brow. “Everything will be okay,” she assured him.

His only response was a shiver of cold.

Careful of his injuries, she stretched out and curled her body against his, letting her heat wash over him. As she breathed him in, the world faded from her awareness. She braced, knowing what came next.

A vision overtook her mind.

She saw the harpy throne room. This time, Azar didn’t have to add the final piece of the macabre puzzle that was Lore’s skeleton. The dark-haired beauty was already flesh and blood. She perched in Taliyah’s chair, wearing an evil queen ball gown, complete with an elaborate headdress dripping with diamonds.

Neeka’s blood chilled as her heart nearly pounded its way free of her chest.I failed.

Azar knelt before her, head bowed. Lore petted his hair as the other Astra shouted protests. Taliyah stood among them. Grenwich and a handful of other harpies, too. And yes, Erebus was there, grinning as widely as before.

Hades acted as guard at Rathbone’s side. The red king’s fate hadn’t changed. He remained chained to a wall.

He didn’t struggle against his bonds at least. Oops. Spoke too soon. He erupted, fighting his captivity, bellowing, “Do not do this. Please do not do this. I love you!”

In real life, Neeka clutched him tighter. How she abhorred seeing this powerful male bound and helpless. But, um, love? HelovedLore, despite the evidence of her treachery? Or he lied to trick her into stopping?

The goddess glowered and snapped, “Shut him up. His bellowing is beyond irritating to my darling beasties.” She rubbed a flat belly, as if she were pregnant. “I can’t concentrate, and I need to concentrate.”
