Page 28 of The Wiseguy

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“Hear me, Zoe, because I’m only saying it once. You’re my best friend’s daughter, the girl I swore I would protect at all costs. I can’t do that if we’re involved. Do you understand?”

“What I understand is that you used me. You fucked me and tossed me aside.”

“You know better than that.”

“Do I?” She pushed me again, acting as if she could get away from me. The woman was sin wrapped up in a sexy, ripped dress and blazing eyes the color of the finest whiskey. She had no idea what I wanted to do to her right now. The vision of dragging her inside a closet and fucking her brains out was clouding everything I needed to do. It was hurting my job and risking her life.

I took a deep breath, looking away. She took that moment to slide under my arm, taking long strides away from me. I easily snagged her again, the force I used in jerking her backward more than I intended. She was slammed against my chest, gasping for air as she tilted her head. There was far too much desire electrifying the moment, her breathing skipping several beats.

“Don’t do this, Maddox.”

“Do what, Zoe? Care about your welfare? Ensure you make it to your next birthday?”

We both heard someone clearing their throat and I slowly turned my head. Francois’ glare was questioning what the fuck was going on. Well, he needed to take a number. So was I.

“Yeah?” I barked.

“Good news. Arman is out of surgery and he wants to talk to you.”

I slowly turned my head toward her and she blinked several times before glancing down at the floor. “Come on, Zoe. Let’s see about your dad.”

Instead of answering, she jerked her arm away, bolting past both of us. Francois took a full three seconds, shaking his head as he studied me.

When he walked away, I exhaled. The shit was getting out of control.

Why did I have a terrible feeling the worst was yet to come?



The bleak hospital room was similar to the one I’d been in all those years ago. It seemed very little had changed. Even the machines checking Arman’s vitals had the same sound. The only difference was that I had no memory of the light level or the color of the walls. Now, with the pitch blackness outside, the drab gray paint made the entire room seem ominous. As if death was right around the corner.

I stood just inside the doorway, staring at my buddy, the man I’d shared dozens of bottles of booze with over the years, commiserating about whatever enemy we had to face or new business decision Arman had wanted to kick around. We’d shared stories about women, both hoping and searching for someone we could consider special, realizing that bringing anyone into our lives on a permanent basis was not only risky, but would also place that person in harm’s way.

Shit, we’d gone to baseball games together, munching on hot dogs and guzzling beer. We’d even been in a softball leaguetogether after college, pretending we didn’t have a care in the world. I’d grown rich being a part of the Thibodeaux family, which had meant a hell of a lot to me given I’d all but been abandoned as a child, my mother a drug addict, my father absent for most of my life. Which in truth was probably a good thing. It was likely that I would have turned out a thug like the man my mother had coveted, surrendering to an abusive marriage before he’d left with some floozy he’d met at a bar.

Arman had been like a brother. We’d stood against bullies in high school, frat boys in college, both of us feared and revered at the same time because of who we were. And more important, how dangerous we could be. We’d done some bad shit, things neither one of us were proud of. Hell, his father had gotten us out of trouble more times than I could count on one hand. I was considered family. Somehow, I had a feeling that wouldn’t be the case if any one of them knew what I’d done with Zoe.

I rubbed my jaw as the memories came rushing into the forefront of my mind. I wasn’t certain why it seemed important to go down memory lane other than this was as close to death as Arman had been. I couldn’t stand seeing him just lying there with an IV dripping into his arm, monitoring devices keeping a close eye on his blood pressure and oxygen stats. Fuck me.

Anger tore through me more than I’d experienced before, the situation ridiculous. I knew it was mostly because of the guilt, but that didn’t change the fact the entire security system needed a rehaul, including hiring different men. I would work on that later once Arman was stable.

And while I understood Francois had to be ready to take over the helm, that didn’t mean I was going to discount Arman’s desire to live. He had every reason to get better. Goddamn the situation.

I finally gathered up the courage to walk closer, standing beside his bed. After a couple of minutes where he didn’t stir, I decided it was best to allow him to rest. I’d come back later. Before I had a chance to turn, he opened his eyes, even managing to provide a slight smile.

“Hey, buddy. What’s the… ugly… expression for?” Arman asked. I was shocked his voice sounded surprisingly strong, barely winded.

“Maybe because my boss looks like shit.”

He laughed then starting coughing. “Yeah, well, you don’t look so good yourself, buddy. Did you get all the bastards?”

“Unfortunately, two of them got away that we know of.”

I could tell he was enraged by what had occurred, yet what I hated the most was the look of desperate concern in his eyes. “What were they after?”

The truth was I didn’t want to tell him.
