Page 144 of Shadows Of Dusk

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As the engine roars to life, we fasten ourselves into our seats.

Heather kindly hands us our glasses of wine before retreating to the front of the aircraft. With a gentle hum, we taxi along the runway, gradually accelerating until we take to the skies.

It’s not long before we’ve reached our cruising altitude.

My ears have popped on a million times through the ascent, and Heather thoughtfully replenished our wine as soon as we were free to move about the cabin.

I must have fallen asleep at some point, as I awaken abruptly, jostled by a bout of minor turbulence. Despite the possibility of seatbelt signs, I seize the opportunity to stretch my legs.

Unfastening my seatbelt, I push to my feet and take a few steps, indulging in a long stretch akin to that of a cat, extending my arms gracefully into the air.

The confines of the cabin melt away as my body revels in the freedom of movement.

Noticing the subtle shift of Darian’s seat, I glance over my shoulder, only to meet his intense gaze as he stalks toward me.

Heat radiates from his darkened expression, sending a thrilling shiver down my spine.

Turning fully to face him, I find myself backed against the counter where the wine is stored. My lungs constrict momentarily as he gently lifts my chin, tilting it upward, and leans in closer, his proximity electrifying.

“Darian,” I breathe, as his lips gingerly brush against mine sending a shiver through my body

His free hand roams, fingertips trailing up my arm to my shoulder, leaving goosebumps in their wake as he presses his muscular chest into me.

Someone could come in at any moment.

Would they ground the plane if we were caught?

“Lara, stop thinking so loudly.” His breath skates over my skin, he forces a knee between my legs, grinding his thigh against my core. I give myself to the feeling and exhale a ragged breath, my limbs trembling.

Every inch of my body is hyper-aware of the contact with his.

Each movement he makes, although subtle, my being seems in tune in with.

I melt into his warmth, feeling his heart beat steadily, its tempo increasing the longer we’re this close in proximity.

He releases my chin to grasp my hips with both hands, tugging me flush against him, and rocking me back and forth. The jolts of pleasure with each movement makes my pussy clench as he moves my body rhythmically.

My thighs squeeze him tightly as I whimper with a desperate request for more.

His grip tightens and his fingertips dig into my skin as if he’s trying to grind me against his very being, “I could come from the sounds you make alone.” He groans.

He quickly lifts one of my legs over his hip and leans his hips heavily against mine, grinding his erection into my clit.

Oh my god, right there.

My eyes flutter as they threaten to roll to the back of my head at the sensation and Darian takes the opportunity to devour my mouth.

Our lips meet in a feverish and urgent kiss, the intensity of his emotions radiating through every touch.

It’s a kiss filled with a mixture of longing, desperation, and the raw desire that burns between us.

The pressure of his body bends me backward over the counter, the edge biting into my skin through my clothes. The pain of it is quickly drowned out as he lifts my remaining leg for me to straddle his hips while he holds me up by my thighs.

I’m lost in his body, his kisses, and his need as he towers over me, enveloping my senses.

When we finally break apart, we’re both panting with hooded eyes but when I pull back to set my feet on the ground, he holds me in place against him.

My eyes widen in surprise as he swiftly retreats from the counter, holding me effortlessly in his arms.
