Page 33 of Healing For My Soul

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“A’ight, nigga.”

He quickly made his way out. I gave Yendi’s hand a squeeze then made my way to the fellas to get a balloon to put under my shirt. The deep frown on Brix’s face didn’t go unnoticed though.What did I miss?



“That man is way too dangerous,” Jess said. “I made a mistake giving him the okay to come here.”

I was sitting next to Jess as Nesha opened gifts. She just happened to be opening the huge box Nate had dropped off. I was surprised Jess was talking to me about that. We didn’t know each other. I’d been sitting next to her since the game the men played, pretending to be pregnant. When Jakari walked over to them, I took a seat next to her.

I glanced over at her. “Why did you give him the okay then?”

She lowered her head for a moment, then said, “A few reasons. One, Lennox is his friend. He shouldn’t have to miss out on events like this simply because me and Brix are here. That’s not fair to him. Secondly, the only reason there’s a problem anyway is because like a fool, I told Brix I slept with him. Thirdly, I miss Nate. He was an amazing friend that I could talk to about anything. I can talk to Brix about most things, but he tends to respond before he thinks when he’s the subject of the conversation.”

“So I suppose the question is how much do you value your relationship? If you wanted to hold on to Nate, you should have chosen him to be with. Jakari told me that it was your choice to make. He didn’t give me details, but he said you chose Brix over Nate. There was a reason for that choice. Hold on to whatever that reason was. That’s what’s most important. It seems that Nate won’t disrespect your wishes or Brix’s unless you give him permission to.”

I could clearly see her attraction to Nate when he was here. She’d stared into his eyes while he talked to her, and when he kissed her forehead, her eyes had closed for a moment, like she was filing the way his lips felt in her mental storage cabinet. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it then went back to watching Nesha open her gifts. She was still pulling shit out of the box Nate brought.

When she pulled out the Forces and Jordans, the awws could be heard all over the barn. Those little shoes were adorable, but when she held up the pair of cowboy boots, I placed my hand over my chest. I always wanted children, and seeing those little boots only had me imagining having Jakari’s babies.

I knew we still needed to talk, but I could only hope that the talk was on the up and up. His response to me being here had shocked me. I expected some resistance, so when he frowned and asked why I was here, I was ready. When he pulled me in his arms and kissed me in front of everyone, I was totally caught off guard. The introduction to Nate as his lady had surprised me as well. I supposed Jasper’s talk with him had gone over well.

He seemed to be the uncle Jakari confided in the most. Uncle Mayor Storm seemed to be the one always on bullshit. It was hilarious to me though. I quickly realized that flattery would get me everywhere with him. He was practically at the point where I believed he was trying to force Jakari to be with me by introducing me as Jakari’s better half. I could only smile big because it was everything I was hoping to be. No one had dared correct him either, not even Jakari.

When Nesha opened the gift from me, her eyes widened and she said, “Mama, look!”

Three women looked her way, so I didn’t know which one was her mother until the woman went and grabbed the crib toy from her. She held it to her chest and a tear slid down her cheek. She passed it to another lady, and she nearly did the same.

Nesha stared at my confused face and said, “I had one like this when I was a baby, and I held tightly to it until I was at least eleven or twelve. I ended up giving it to my baby sister when she was a baby. I loved this stuffed animal head, and I called this part his cape.”

She giggled. “Thank you so much, Yendi. This means so much to me. Mama Sharon lost the other one during the flood. We both cried about it.”

I brought my hands to my chest, feeling extra sensitive, like the gift meant a lot to me as well. I had an extremely empathetic spirit, and since meeting Nate, my sensitivity levels were at an all-time high. It was like I could sense my daddy’s presence in that moment. Meeting him was like my dad saying he was always with me. Knowing that he was friends with Jakari made that moment sweeter. I would have a personal connection to one of my dad’s favorite basketball players out of the ‘young bucks’.

I chuckled at the thought of it. He said Nate played his role. He wasn’t a superstar, but he ate whenever he got the ball. He took his role of a supporting cast member seriously. He said Nate was like the A.C. Green or James Worthy of the Lakers when Magic Johnson led the team to victory. They were key role players, and Nate embodied the position.

I was brought back to the present when Nesha said, “Oh shit.”

Everybody froze as Lennox ran to her. “What’s wrong, baby?”

“My water broke.”

He quickly scooped her up and ran out of the barn as everyone applauded and screamed. Her mothers and dad all ran behind them as everyone else began gathering her gifts. Jakari’s arms slid around my waist. “You cool with going to the hospital with me?”

“Absolutely. I’ll go with you anywhere.”

He slowly licked his lips, and I followed that tongue until it disappeared back into his mouth. Shit, I wanted to dive in after it. The things that long, thick shit did to my body had me about to cum from the sight of it. “If I didn’t know any better, Yendi, I would swear that fat shit was juicing for me right now.”

“Well, it’s a shame you don’t know any better.”

He grabbed my hand and led me down a long hallway in silence. When I heard soft moans, I was somewhat confused. Then I heard, “Aww fuck! Give me that shit, Chas!”

Somebody was back here fucking?When the woman responded, “Take your shit, Jasper. Fucking take it!” I knew exactly who it was.

Jakari again licked his lips and opened the door to a private room. The minute he closed the door, he turned to me and pulled the straps of my jumpsuit off my shoulders and bent me over a table in the room. I glanced around and noticed that it seemed to be a conference room of some kind. “Oh shit. You ain’t got on no drawz, girl.”

I bit my bottom lip as I stared back at him. “If you weren’t trying to see me, I had to be able to persuade you somehow. You gon’ take advantage or not?”
