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‘Flora,’ he said, not knowing what he was going to say. ‘I-I…’

Her lips trembled and then turned upwards, and she started laughing. ‘Oh my god, how embarrassing.’

‘Uhhh… yeah.’ Leif nodded. Was she all right? ‘Just a bit.’

‘Leif… I don’t go around snogging men in people’s kitchens.’

‘I don’t go around snogging women in people’s kitchens.’

They stared at each other and laughed until they were both holding their bellies.

‘We should… should get this food through to Victor or it’ll get cold,’ Leif said when he could speak.

‘We should.’ Flora smiled at him, her cheeks still pleasantly pink. ‘Leif… I… thank you.’

‘Thank you? What for?’

‘For that incredible kiss. I haven’t felt like that in so, so long and I don’t know… You just make me feel desirable.’

‘You are desirable. Very much so,’ he replied.

‘And so are you,’ she said. ‘I just don’t normally behave like this. Just so you know.’

‘Nor do I. But perhaps this isn’t anormalsituation, Flora. Perhaps it’sthe right one.’

‘The right one?’ she asked.

‘Sometimes things are meant to be. Everything happens for a reason. Everything happens when it should.’ He winked. ‘Some of the phrases my mum uses to explain things she can’t explain. And, to be honest, I agree with them. Sometimes, I believe we should follow our hearts and our instincts and stop fighting against them. No pressure, no angst, just see where it goes.’

‘OK.’ She nodded. ‘I’m good with that.’

‘And we look after Victor this Christmas. I think he needs us.’

‘I think so too. Talking of things that can’t be explained… Today at the cemetery…’ She trailed off.


‘As I walked away from Victor to give him some time with Mavis, I told her we’d take care of him and I could have sworn I heard her whisper, “I know”.’

‘Well if we have Mavis’s approval then we know we’re doing the right thing.’ Leif picked up two plates. ‘Shall we go enjoy this?’

Flora picked up the other plate and set it on a tray with three glasses and they went to join Victor. With Mavis’s approval, no doubt.

Chapter 17


Victor was still chuckling to himself when Flora and Leif came through with the fish and chips. Magnus was already on the sofa next to Victor, the tree lights were twinkling and the fire was lit. He’d found a channel playing Christmas music and currently, Mariah Carey was singing about what she wanted for Christmas. It was warm, cosy and festive and Victor now had a fish supper to look forward to. When Flora set the tray down on the table, he filled the glasses with the chilled white wine and raised his glass.

‘Before we eat, I’d like to say Happy Birthday to Mavis.’

‘It’s her birthday?’ Flora said, her eyebrows raised. ‘Why didn’t you say anything?’

‘I didn’t want to make a fuss,’ Victor said. ‘She’d be eighty-two today.’

‘Wow!’ Leif said, raising his glass. ‘Happy Birthday, Mavis.’

‘Happy Birthday, Mavis!’ Flora said and they clinked glasses.
