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‘Hello?’ she said softly.

The door swung open and there, wearing red Santa hats and big grins, were Leif and Victor.

‘Good morning and Merry Christmas!’ they said and then Magnus bounded into the room and jumped onto her bed and gave her cheek a big lick.

‘Merry Christmas!’ she replied.

‘Magnus said that Santa has been and he’s very excited about opening his stocking.’ Leif winked at her.

‘Santa actually did an extra early morning run because he found a gift in the sledge that fallen out of the sack and he wanted to deliver it to the Dawlish house before they woke,’ Victor said with a grin.

‘It was a busy night for Santa.’ Leif nodded then covered his mouth with a hand as he yawned. ‘Coffee would be good.’

‘I agree.’ Flora swung her legs over the edge of the bed and reached for her dressing gown, pulling it on over her fleecy pyjamas. She slid her arms into the sleeves and her feet into her slippers.

Magnus jumped off the bed and ran through to the lounge and Flora heard him trying to get his stocking off the hook in front of the mantelpiece.

‘Better be quick or he’ll pull the whole thing down,’ Leif said.

Flora smiled as Leif took her hand and they followed Victor across the hallway to enjoy their first Christmas as a family. Her heart was full, her heart was healed, and it was all because of operation Secret Santa on Sunflower Street.

