Page 39 of Night of Mercy

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Not happening.

The tone of her mother’s texts abruptly changed.

I’m truly sorry. No more interfering. Promise!

Finally! Prim’s only regret was that it had taken an entire year to convince her mother to back off.

She reluctantly gathered her things to head to her car, hating the idea of facing Ashton alone. To her relief, Mato’s blue sports car was gone from the spot next to hers. It didn’t take long to drive to The Longhorn Grill.

She caught her breath when Shep’s blue pickup pulled in right behind her in the parking lot. She parked and waited for him to claim the spot beside her. Then she stepped out of her car and flew into his arms.

“You made it,” she cried joyfully.

He pressed his face to the side of her neck. “Just woke up and saw your message. I hightailed it here as fast as I could.”

“You’re the best.” She hugged him again.

He kissed a warm trail up the side of her neck to her cheek. “I’ll remind you of that the next time you’re complaining about sprint intervals and burpees.”

“Newsflash, deputy.” A sigh escaped her when he kissed his way to the edge of her mouth. “Most people on the planet hate burpees.”

“Mmm.” He found her lips and planted a hungry kiss on them. “Missed you and your mouthiness.”

“Missed you, too.” She locked her fingers behind his neck. “Did you get some good sleep?”

“Yep. Some chick made me promise I would.”

“Cheep-cheep,” she teased.

He kissed her again. “Who are we meeting for lunch?”

She reached up to cup his face in her hands. “My ex.”

His eyebrows flew upward.

“Pleeeease, Shep. I don’t want to do this alone.”

“Okay.” He searched her face.

“Apparently, my mother asked him to deliver a gift to me while he was in town. She’s besties with his mother.” She grimaced. “Oh, and he’s a reporter for a major news network. I think I mentioned that in a text earlier. He wants the inside scoop on the Remington and Hawling feud from an outsider’s perspective.”

Shep snorted. “Seems a little mercenary.”

“It’s worse than that.” She blew out a breath, lowering her hands to his shoulders. “Both of our moms have been holding out for a reconciliation worthy of the big screen. I’m hoping your presence will make it clear to Ashton that he and I are never, ever, ever, ever,evergetting back to together!”

“With pleasure.” Shep tipped her chin up to his and gave her another kiss.

They walked into the grill with his arm loosely slung around her shoulders.

The moment they stepped inside, he dipped his head to claim her mouth again. He took his time, tenderly ravishing her lips while they waited for the group in front of them to be seated.

“Is it just the two of you?” Tiva Montana’s voice rang with amusement, alerting him to the fact that it was their turn to be seated.

“Nope.” He raised his head and gazed lazily around them. “We’re a party of three. Supposed to meet a fella by the name of Ashton.” He didn’t recall Prim giving a last name.

“Right this way. He’s already got a booth reserved.” Tiva tossed her dark ponytail over her shoulder and led them to one of the black vinyl booths against the wall.

“There you are, Prim!” A Ken doll in a preppie button-up shirt with a raised collar slid out of the booth to face them. He was no more than five ten, with a sprayed on tan. It had an undeniable orange tint to it that made Shep think of sweet potatoes.
