Page 43 of Night of Mercy

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“I’m hoping his visit will be brief enoughnotto warrant a beverage, but thanks.” Shep turned off his motor and pushed the door of his truck open.

“Hey, sheriff.” He’d fallen into the habit of calling the guy by his title. It was easier than pretending a closeness they didn’t share. He planned to give Adriel whatever he needed so he could be on his way, since Prim would be here soon. Then again, whatever the sheriff needed had warranted a personal visit, so keeping things brief might not be an option.

As Shep leaped to the ground, he eyed the sheriff’s freshly pressed uniform —black shirt, black cargo pants, and black boots. They didn’t have enough wrinkles in them yet for him to be heading home, which meant he was about to go on shift soon.

“Evening, Deputy.” Adriel swaggered in Shep’s direction. “You got a minute to talk?”

“Yep. What’s on your mind?” Shep wondered if his presence had anything to do with the conversation Aiyanna had overheard between him and her husband. Shep was still having a hard time wrapping his brain around the possibility that they wanted him to come work with them.

“I wanted to extend a personal invitation for our volunteer search and rescue team to accompany me on a house visit.” His hands were loosely propped on his belt and holster.

“In other words, put me to work on a Friday night.” Shep snorted. “And you thought it would be harder for me to say no while looking you in the eye.”

Though Adriel’s features remained stoic, humor glinted in his dark gaze. “Something like that.”

Shep waved a hand at the highway behind him. “Doc is on her way here for our next training session.”

“Bring her along. And the K-9s.” Adriel leisurely surveyed the yard. If he was paying close attention, he could just barely glimpse one of the balance beams Uncle Caleb had set in place earlier for the dogs out back.

“Is this a scheduled visit, or are we parachuting in unannounced?” After years of assuming Adriel despised him and his uncle for living off the rez, Shep was still wrapping his brain around their new working relationship.

“Both, I reckon.” Adriel continued his curious perusal of the property. “Levi called me earlier to beef about the number of neighbors complaining about the constant noise and traffic at his place. He’s requesting — demanding, actually — that the police come have a look at his newest garage, just to prove he’s got nothing questionable going on.”

“A known thug requesting a search without a warrant.”Nothing suspicious about that.

“That about sums it up.” Adriel’s voice was dry. “And he specifically demanded that we bring the K-9s.”

“Just when you think you’ve heard it all…” Shep shook his head.

“I know, right?” Adriel spun in his direction. “Nice setup you’ve got here. Your uncle gave me the nickel tour of the backyard.”

“You asked me to throw together a volunteer team.” Shep waved a hand vaguely. “Can’t exactly use PD resources for that.”

The sheriff pinned him with a curious look. “I honestly expected you to turn me down. Why didn’t you?”

“You’re my people,” Shep retorted.I know you’ve always doubted my loyalties, but that’s your problem.

Adriel looked inordinately pleased by the answer. “Wasn’t sure you felt that way after being raised off the rez. Most folks who leave the rez never come back. Especially folks our age.”

“I’m not going anywhere, sheriff.”Are we having a moment here? Do you want a hug?

“Because of your loyalty to your uncle?” Adriel rocked back on his heels.

Although that would’ve been Shep’s answer a couple of years ago, his reasons had changed. “This is my home.” He wasn’t sure why it mattered to Adriel.

The sheriff pursed his lips, looking like he wanted to say more.

Shep tensed, wondering if he was going to broach the subject of him joining the rez police force.

A motor purred in the distance, and Prim’s little white Supra zoomed into view, as cute and sassy as its owner. She skidded a little in the dirt as she nosed behind his truck and braked.

She stepped out of her car, making his heart thump harder. The sight of her lovely curves packed into boots and Wranglers never failed to make his day better.

Her gaze flickered with curiosity as it fell on Adriel. “Oo! Who called the sheriff?”

He inclined his head at her. “No one. I decided it was time to see your team in action.”

“Meaning you’re putting us to work?”
