Page 50 of Night of Mercy

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Prim pressed her hands to her heart, speechless. The Saint Bernard at her feet gave an impatient woof.

Prim squatted down in front of her, holding out a hand so she could sniff it. “What’s her name?”

“Pink. She’s nearly a year old. Still has some more growing to do.”

“Pink?” The dog gave a yip of recognition at the name, wagging her tail excitedly.

“Because of her tongue.”

“Ah. Makes sense.” Prim snickered at the way the dog’s long pink tongue was lolling out of her mouth.

“Plus, it’s your favorite color.”

“Shep,” she breathed, feeling like she was melting from the inside out. She slowly stood to face him. “You do realize there’s a no-pets-allowed policy at my apartment complex.”

“Yep. This deal comes with free room and board for her.” He gestured grandly. “Out here in the country with the rest of our pack.”

She broke into a run, flying his way and throwing herself into his arms. “Thank you,” she babbled, raining kisses on his cheeks and chin. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This is seriously one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me!”

“Never thought you’d go this crazy over a dog, darling.” He was grinning from ear to ear as he cuddled her close.

“She’s not just a dog,” Prim protested. “She’s from you. For me.” His gift amounted to so much more than merely another K-9 to train with. She knew it. And from the look he was giving her, he knew it, too.

“Okay, fine.” He buried his face against the side of her neck, nuzzling the soft skin there. “I got you a dog, because I love you.”

She gave a whimper of exultation. Happy tears prickled behind her eyelids and squeezed out, dripping warmly down her cheeks.

“I love you, too, Shep. So, so, so much!” She’d known it for a while now and had been hoping like crazy that he felt the same way, but it was good to hear him finally say it aloud. Really good.

“You mean you never got around to telling her until now?” Uncle Caleb’s voice wafted to them from the back porch.

Shep raised his head to gaze possessively down at her. “Just did.”

His uncle snorted in derision. “Took you long enough.”

Prim reached up to touch Shep’s cheek. “I think the timing was perfect.”

“Didn’t want to rush things before you were ready.” Shep turned his head to kiss her fingers. “I know you’ve been hurt,” he muttered. “Took me a while to figure out that’s why you’ve been such a nutcase over the thought of losing our friendship.”

A snort of unladylike laughter escaped her. “A nutcase, huh?”

“You know what I mean.” He planted another hard kiss on her. “I’m glad the idea of losing me makes you a little crazy, because my life would be over if I lost you.”

“Shep,” she sighed, melting all over again. “You’re never going to lose me. Ever.” She drenched him with a happy smile. “Because you truly love me. You’re not the first guy who’s said it, but you’re the first one who meant it.”

“That I do.” He kissed her again, lingeringly this time, like he might just stand there forever and keep doing it.

Uncle Caleb cleared his throat. “Are you gonna try out the new dog park or kiss all night?”

Shep nuzzled Prim’s lips some more. “The last option is tempting.” He spoke quietly for her ears alone. “Very tempting.” Then he tucked her beneath one arm and swung around with her to survey the training area.

He gave a sharp whistle to bring the dogs running.

To Prim’s delight, Pink rushed to line up beside the other dogs.

“Sit,” he commanded, and they did — all three of them in a nearly perfect straight row.

Prim was utterly enchanted. “You’ve already started training her?”
