Page 52 of The Cowboy's Prize

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Nodding, Dylan reached over to hold her hand. “Sometimes I think they lost both of us that day. After that, it was like I couldn’t do anything right. And then, when I started getting into rodeo, they shipped me off to my uncle’s ranch. I barely saw them after that.”

“What about now?” she asked. “Did being away make things any easier in the long run?”

“It was easier for me to do what I wanted. But we don’t have much of a relationship.”

“Then why would you go and see them?”

Dylan pointed to her list. “I’ve got to add one. Always be honest with each other.”

She nodded vigorously and wrote it down. “Definitely.”

“Okay in the interest of complete honesty, the reason I’m considering seeing my parents again is because I’m flat broke. I might have to swallow my pride and ask them for a loan.”

“For what?”

“There’s a farm that I’ve had my eye on. It’s going up for auction in a few weeks. The banks turned my loan applications down.”

Staring at him, LeAnn tapped the pen on the table in thought. “What are you going to do with the farm?”

“I’m going to start a horse rescue. Take in unwanted horses and board the older ones for owners who don’t want to get rid of them, but don’t have a place for them.”

“I think that’s wonderful,” she said.

“It will be if I can get the money for the down payment. My business plan is solid.”

“Can I see it?”

“Sure,” he said, flattered. “It’s pretty boring reading.”

“Not to me.”

If she kept looking at him like he’d hung the moon in the sky, he was going to fall in love with her, if he wasn’t already halfway there.

“Will you and Lola be retiring when that happens?”

“I’m not sure. But yeah, probably. I’m hitting the end of my bull-riding time. I want to get out while I’m still healthy and with a few wins.”

LeAnn nodded, her eyes far away. “Will you still coach?”

Cupping her cheek until she looked at him, he said, “I’ll be here as long as you need me.”

“Good,” she said. “Because I want to continue training with you for the rest of the season.”

He let his hand drop. “You’re not saying that because I just told you I was broke and need the money, are you?”

“No, I’m saying that because Callie is better than me and you’ll give me an edge.”

They exchanged challenging stares for a moment. In the end, he believed her. “Okay, you’ve got me. Both as a coach and a…”

“Boyfriend,” LeAnn said.

Dylan winced. “Really?”

“Say it.”

“It sounds so high school-ish.”

“I suppose I could call you bae.”
