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“Not my problem. I was nice and I was firm and nothing helped. I thought the bartender would have come to my defense.”

“Don’t even get me going again on how things were handled there. By the way, the video was sent to Griffin and we were cc’d on it.”

She wasn’t surprised that the Bond name carried that much power. Her father would have made sure the same thing happened. She’d have to find out if he’d been making calls or not at some point.

“That’s good,” she said. “I guess I didn’t have any doubt. I’m sure you watched it and know exactly what happened.”

“I did,” he said. “I’m positive that video will be sent to Donovan too to make sure he doesn’t cause any trouble.”

“I’m sorry this all happened. That you had to fly there to get me. That Egan had to do it and Roark was woken up. Not the best impression for your family.”

“It’s not your fault,” he said. “Don’t tick me off thinking it is.”

She’d never seen him like this. Pissed last night, then hurt when he wanted to know why she didn’t call him first and now the annoyance that she was apologizing.

“I guess this is one for the books. I can’t change what happened. I did everything I could to diffuse the situation. I guess I know now why my father did what he had for so many years. You just can’t control it all.”

“You can’t,” he said. “Now tell me why you didn’t call me.”

“I knew you were working,” she said. “I thought Roger would just make some calls or tell me what to do. I didn’t think I’d be sitting there for hours. It’s not like I’m used to getting arrested. I just don’t understand why my father had to call you.”

“I believe your father knew I’d have more resources at my disposal than he would.”

“Good point,” she said. “And it did get me home faster than if I took my flight.”

He closed one eye at her. “Not even funny.”

“I’m not trying to make a joke out of anything. Last night was scary for me. All those years I was annoyed that my father had people watching out for me, I get it now. Doesn’t mean I’m happy about it, but I get it.”

“You’re always going to have someone worrying about you, Laine. Whether it’s a parent, a significant other, friends, children, neighbors. No one is alone in the world even if they think they are.”

“I never thought I was. Why would you say that?”

“It doesn’t matter,” he said.

“I think it does,” she said. “I appreciate that you rode in on your white horse and saved me. Don’t get me wrong. I can be annoyed and appreciative at the same time, but what I don’t understand is why you’re so upset over this. I knew you were working. It’s not like you’ve got an unimportant job you can just drop and fly hours away.”

“Funny, considering I did exactly that,” he said.

Another point in his favor and more guilt on her shoulders. “You know what I mean.”

“No,” he said. “I don’t. If you’d called me instead I would have done exactly what I had. It would have saved the time of your father calling me. Him being woken up in the middle of the night and worrying on top of it.”

She took a deep breath. “I know. Thinking back, that was a mistake too.”

Her father had to be going nuts and he wasn’t one to relinquish control of anything. The fact he reached out to Carson told her how much faith her family had in her boyfriend.

“So that is the only reason that you think you should have called him rather than me?”

“Carson,” she said. “What do you want from me? We’ve been dating a few months. I love you. You know I do. But a few months. I’m not sure why you think I’m going to dump all my problems on you as if you’d been in my life for years.”

She didn’t think she was being so unrealistic with her explanation either.

Maybe they were moving fast, but that didn’t mean he had to fix things for her either.

“I don’t know,” he said. “I thought people in love did that. I think there was a trust factor there too. That you trusted me enough to help and not judge. I think I’m doing a damn good job of it now.”

“You are,” she said, moving over to him for a hug. She needed one as much as she was sure he did.
