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He lay down next to her.

“You’re okay with this?” she asked.

“I wouldn’t have done that just now if I wasn’t. Can I ask why it came up?” He supposed looking back maybe they should have talked about it more and him not rushing. But screw it, he was going to do what made him happy.

“I don’t know,” she said. “In the past month I’ve just had so many thoughts in my head. I don’t want regrets, you know that.”

His heart sank. “Is this because of what happened in Chicago?”

“No,” she said quickly. “I’m just saying that we’ve talked about your past with Brynn and why or how you changed and were back to who you used to be. I remember all the times my father had surgeries and complications. Once we thought we were going to lose him. He wants grandchildren someday. My mother too.”

“They wanted lots of kids,” he finished for her.

“Yes. I’m getting older. I know women are having children later in life, but the longer I wait, the harder it could be. I understand that too.”

“I’ve got years left,” he said, laughing.

“Or not,” she said. “My mother and Stewart are a good example.”

He leaned up on his elbow to look down at her. Her blonde hair was spread out on the pillow, her eyes were wide and clear, but he saw the love in them.

“I’m not Stewart,” he said. “Hudson had no problem.”

“I know,” she said. “I didn’t mean to insult you. It’s not that. I’m just saying, I’ve never kept it a secret I wanted children. I feel for you more than I have anyone else. My parents love you.”

He grinned. “Your parents are pretty great even if your father is a bit overprotective.”

Caleb checked in with him weekly to see how Laine was doing. He couldn’t fault the guy for caring even if he knew that Laine wished her father was there more.

He was starting to wonder if Caleb had regrets in his life and didn’t want Laine to have them.

“He’s not going to change,” she said. “I realized that when I saw his watchdogs in New York weeks ago.”

Carson still felt like an idiot that he didn’t catch on to who Deidre was or what she was doing.

“No,” he said. “But this is about us.”

“It is,” she said. “I just think I’ve been so ready for this and couldn’t find the right person. I was talking with Ava and Delaney tonight and they made a comment about how nice it was Seth was bonding with the kids tonight and that Hudson was almost more excited than she was over the pregnancy. It made me think of how excited you were for your brother.”

“I’m going to be that way and more when I have a child,” he said, his hand going to her belly. The fact he could see it in his mind, his child growing in there only made him smile.

“I know. And if things didn’t work out with us for some reason.”

“Don’t go there, Laine.”

“No one knows what tomorrow can bring,” she said softly. “But what I do know is that I love you, I want a child with you, and I want to be part of your life and your family.”

“I want you in my life. Now. Forever. Child or no child,” he said. “As you said, no one knows anything. And we aren’t going to stress or worry. Let’s just live our life. It’s as easy as that.”

He knew he was giving lip service more than anything, but maybe he was trying to convince himself to not harp on this too.

“Nothing is easy,” she said.

“Sure, it is,” he said. “If we make it that way. And we are going to, right?”

“We are,” she said. “Starting with us trying again.”

“I can get on board with that,” he said. “I think trying is going to be the best part.”
