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“Then let me get on top this time,” she said, rolling him and straddling his hips. “Think of all the different positions we can do to get there.”

On his back, he put his hands behind his head. “I’m all yours for the taking,” he said.

“Just the way I like it,” she said.



“Are you serious?” Hudson asked him a few days later on Thanksgiving.

It wasn’t often that all of them were off on the same day for a holiday. This year worked out because Hudson took the day off. Ava was on call, but with any luck no babies would be born until later.

Carson and Laine arrived first, followed by Hudson and Delaney at his parents’ house.

Seth and Ava would be along when Brayden woke up from his nap. Seth’s mother was traveling with friends and Delaney didn’t have a close relationship with her family that lived out west.

Carson would have gone to Laine’s parents’ if it came up, but she said her father never celebrated and her mother and Stewart went out to dinner. No one made a big deal about it, so he let it drop.

He would have wanted to fly over, and to do that, he’d have to ask Lincoln or Egan to take time out of their day when they most likely were off too.

“Do I look like I’m joking?” he said.

The two of them were outside down by the water. He pulled his brother away to talk to him while his parents were in the kitchen and Delaney and Laine were talking in the living room.

He had to talk to someone and Hudson was the only one he could.

“Just like that?” Hudson asked. “You’re trying to have a baby? You’ve been dating, what, three months?”

“Something like that,” he said. “It doesn’t matter. I know I love her. She loves me. We talked about this before. You felt the same way about Delaney.”

“Whose idea was this?” Hudson asked.

“Hers. I’ll admit I was taken back when she brought it up, but I didn’t think. My reaction was immediate. No second thoughts at all.”

“That’s the brother I know and love.”

“There is that sarcasm,” he said. “I thought everyone loved Laine.”

“We do,” Hudson said. “But this is you rushing.”

“And I told you I stopped being who I was for years. I hated it. Laine lets me be who I want. Who makes me happy.”

Hudson sighed. “I know. I’m sorry. It’s just a shock is all. You never talked about kids at all before this?”

“Only that we both wanted them. She’s in her early thirties. She wasn’t wasting time with a man that didn’t have the same vision of a future as her and I can understand that. I wouldn’t get serious with someone that didn’t want children and neither would you.”

“True,” Hudson said. “Give me the real reason why you jumped so fast the first time it came up.”

“It’s what I said,” he argued.

“There is always more to it.”

“Maybe I’m jealous over what you’ve got,” he said.

“I do have it pretty special,” Hudson said. “But it never affected you before.”

“You don’t know that,” he said.
