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His brother looked at him. “I do know,” Hudson said. “We know more about each other than anyone else.”

Hudson had a point. “It doesn’t mean it’s going to happen right away. It was spontaneous,” he said.

“What if she changes her mind and decides it’s not what she wants?”

“She won’t,” he said. “But if she does, then she does and we go back to the way things were. Nothing is really changing.”

“Everything is changing,” Hudson said. “You know it. This is your way to tie her to you without having to ask another way.”

Sometimes it sucked his brother knew him so well. “Your twins are going to have this issue, you know.”

“What is that? Knowing what is going on with the other?” Hudson asked, grinning.

“Yes. I don’t want to scare her away. It was better she brought this up.”

Hudson laughed. “She asked you to make a baby with her. Do you think asking her to get married is going to scare her away because you’re rushing?”

“No,” he said. “But she commented that people aren’t waiting to have kids anymore, married or not. There are a few in our family in that situation.”

“And they are married now,” Hudson said. “Or are getting married before the baby comes. Mom is a little old fashioned there.”

“She’ll have to get over it,” he said. “This is my life. Laine’s parents weren’t engaged at the time she was conceived.”

“They were married before she was born,” Hudson said. “You told me that.”

Caleb was recovering from the accident and learning how to live his life in a wheelchair, but once he was out of the hospital and they knew Laine was on the way, they did have a small wedding reception.

Laine had said more than once she was surprised that her parents never married again and had a big affair. He found it odd her father was over the top with everything but the wedding wasn’t.

“And then they divorced,” he said. “But they are still close. They love each other.”

“Sounds as if they never should have divorced,” Hudson said.

He’d told his brother the situation with Caleb and Madelyn. He had very few secrets in his life from his brother.

“I don’t think Laine believes they should have. And she told me that she talked to her mother about me. About us. That if we weren’t together she couldn’t watch me be with someone else. She doesn’t know how her mother did it and still stayed close.”

“No one knows what goes through anyone’s mind fully,” Hudson said. “Just remember that.”

“It’s hard to forget,” he said. He thought he knew Laine better than anyone else, but his brother made a good point. They’d only been dating for three months. People could change their minds. Life could change. Anything could happen.

He refused to believe anything drastic would though. Not with him and Laine.

No way.

And if it did, they’d deal with it the way they dealt with everything in life.

One foot in front of the other.

Back at Laine’shouse after the holiday dinner, she said, “You were missing for a bit earlier. Where did you go?”

“I was outside talking to Hudson.”

She lifted her eyebrow at him. She was trying not to worry that maybe Carson jumped too quickly at her suggestion.

Even she wondered if maybe she should have put more thought into it. It’s not like they had a chance to talk about it since either, because they both got up for work on Wednesday and then she stayed at her house last night. Carson picked her up today and he was staying tonight before he went to work tomorrow.

“Everything okay?” she asked.
