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“Good to know in case your sister isn’t around.”

He saw Laine flinch and then Ava roll out and pull her gloves off. “Everything looks good and Carson can be the last option to deliver if you need it. Me first or another doctor here, then Hudson.”

“Sorry,” she said. “Your father is going to be the last option in the Mills family.”

He laughed when Laine said that in her dry tone.

“Good point,” he said.

“I’d say based on everything, you’re a little over seven weeks pregnant. I think I’m going to do a quick ultrasound here. I’m going to have you schedule one with the tech to be more thorough, but all things considered in the family, I’d like to take a look.”

“Is there a specific reason?” Laine asked.

He rubbed his hand on her shoulder. “You might seem a bit further along based on the exam. You’re positive of your last period?” Ava asked.

“Positive,” she said. “You are a big guy. I’m sure I’ll have a big baby.”

He didn’t say what he was thinking. No reason to do that. He’d wait to see for himself.

It wasn’t long before Laine’s shirt was up and her tattoo visible. His sister smiled. “Your fish is going to grow some too.”

“I tried to have it put up as high as I could, but it is what it is,” she said.

The jelly was squirted on Laine’s belly and the machine was on, his sister moving along Laine’s uterus while she took some measurements.

“No, you can’t do this,” Ava said. Her eyes didn’t even lift while she said it. She knew he was itching to take it out of her hand and do it himself.

“Right there,” he said. “Go back to the right.”

“What?” Laine asked. “Why are you two smiling?”

He all but knocked his sister out of the way and didn’t give a shit. He wanted to be showing Laine this.

He moved everything exactly right and had it on the screen perfectly.

“What Carson is showing you are right there,” Ava said, moving her finger to the monitor. “Two embryos.”

“You have to copy your brother, don’t you?” she said.

He moved out of the way for Ava to return. He leaned over to kiss Laine. “Maybe you’re just fertile.”

“Or it was the perfect alignment of the stars,” she said.

“Could be that too,” he said.

He let his sister finish the ultrasound, then Laine wiped her belly clean and he helped her sit up. “I take it this is still a secret. It’s going to be hard not to tell Mom.”

“But you won’t,” he said. “Right?”

“I won’t,” Ava said, moving forward to give them both a hug. “Congratulations.”

The two of them left shortly after that, with Laine making her follow-up appointments.

They were barely in his car when her phone rang. “It’s my mother. She never calls me during the day.”

“She doesn’t know about today, right?”

“No one knows I’m pregnant but us and your sister.” He didn’t tell her he’d told Hudson the day after the home test. No way he could keep that from his brother. He’d have to share the twins news with him too but later once they talked some more. “Hello?”
