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“Me neither. I told you I swear when I’m emotional. I want to say it’s hormones but couldn’t very well tell them that.”

“Maybe you should,” he said. “You’re here. Wouldn’t you want to say it in person?”

“I would, but don’t you think it’s too soon?”

“It’s your decision,” he said.

“What did I do wrong?” she asked.

He turned and looked at her in the car. “Nothing?”

“Carson. You’re quiet. You’ve been quiet more than I’d think is normal. I appreciate everything you did today. I’m thrilled that the official report confirmed what you said and we can all relax. My father most likely overdid it like he does everything else in life. But I feel like something is going on with us.”

He could hold it all in or he could tell her. Maybe it was best he told her.

Hadn’t he seen a good example just now of what happens when two people in love aren’t honest with each other?

“Did you only want kids so that you could give your father grandkids? You said you shouldn’t have waited so long.”

“No,” she shouted, looking stunned. “I want kids for me. I want them with you. What I said about waiting so long, it meant waiting so long to talk to you.”


“This is so embarrassing,” she said.

“What is?” he asked. “It seems to me you’ve already embarrassed yourself enough in front of me. Or so you tell me all the time.”

She giggled. Then she started to laugh. Laughed so hard tears were rolling down her cheeks.

“I’m sorry. I’ll get control of myself.” But she didn’t and laughed even harder until she farted. She covered her face with her hands when his jaw dropped. “Oh my God. This day just won’t end.”

“Laine, our bodies do things. That’s nothing compared to giving birth. There are two in there too, expect things to get messy.”

“Don’t remind me.” She groaned and then took a few deep breaths. “What a day. I’ve never farted in front of a man before. Not even in front of a woman.”

“Come on now,” he said.

“I’m serious. It’s not ladylike.”

“Well then, put it on your list and cross it off.”

She burst out laughing again. “No, thank you. I’ll be serious. I’m laughing because I noticed you long before I spent time dancing at the Idiot Club.”

“You did?” he asked. This was news to him.

“I told you I know of most of your family on the island. I immersed myself in it daily. You are the cuter twin too, but don’t let anyone know I said that.”

“So you were just drawn to my looks?” he asked, grinning.

He wished he’d known all of this before. He wouldn’t have doubted himself as much as he was.

“Of course,” she said. “That’s normally the first sign with someone. But I had no way to get close to you. I never really saw you out or in a place where I could talk to you. I had it all planned out in my head that I’d get to talk to you and show off my dance moves to get your attention at Avery and Carter’s wedding.”

“Have they even set a date yet?” he asked.

“It’s June,” she said. “And now I’m going to be big and fat for it.”

“You’re going to be lovely,” he said. “I can’t believe you were going to wait all that time to make a move on me.”
