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“We know I live to make my mother happy.”

“Wise ass.”

“If Laine were here, she’d say willow tree. Or something like that.”

“What?” his mother asked.

“She doesn’t swear. The funniest things came out of her mouth. It took me a minute to catch on.”

“Even better,” his mother said. “You tend to swear too much.”

“There is an article out there that the more you swear the smarter you are.”

“You keep telling yourself that,” his mother said. “So, is this thing, whatever it is you’ve got, supposed to be kept quiet?”

“Nope,” he said. “No reason to do that when we are going to be doing things out in the open. But that doesn’t mean my mother should pick up the phone and start telling the relatives when I walk out the door.”

He saw her frown and knew that was exactly what she wanted to do.

“I’ll wait until someone comes to me with it,” his mother said. “I’m going to assume Hudson knows?”

“Not yet. I’ll talk to him later. He’s working today. You can tell Ava.”

“I believe Ava knows Laine fairly well. She was with Avery at Laine’s studio when Carter proposed last week.”

“The wine painting thing?” he asked. Laine had told him about that.

“Yes,” his mother said. “They do sound like fun. I believe I might have to try one. More so now.”

He sighed. “Don’t attack her too soon, please. Can I at least go on a real date with her first?”

“Sure,” his mother said, patting his hand. “You’ve got my blessing for that.”

He laughed. “Thanks.”



“Are you in a rush tonight?” Laine asked Avery on Monday night.

“No,” Avery said. “I was just going to get some groceries. Carter is doing a few things and will come over later with the dogs.”

“Good,” she said. “Give me five minutes to get Josie set up.” She pulled her hand out of her pocket. “I need to tell you about this.”

“Oh my God. Are you okay?”

“More than okay,” she said, giggling.

She took Josie to the back where she’d already set up the canvas that Josie had been working on. She had been giving the little girl private lessons for a year now since Avery moved to the island after getting guardianship of her best friend’s daughter.

She was Avery’s daughter now. Laine liked to think of Josie as her niece that’d she’d never have. Only child here, so no nieces or nephews in her life unless they came from a significant other’s side.

But she wanted kids. Lots of kids.

Guess she should have started before now though, as her clock was going to be ticking down fast.

She got Josie going and then moved back to the front where Avery was.
