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“So I can do most things?” Laine asked Dr. Jensen the next day. Her appointment was at ten and she was seen fairly quickly.

“Your X-rays show a clean minor break,” Dr. Jensen said. “My guess is you’ll be healed sooner than six weeks. I could run another set of X-rays right now but don’t see the need.”

“That works for me,” she said. “It barely hurts.”

It was only throbbing now and again or if she banged it into something because she wasn’t thinking of it.

“I’d still keep the splint on for four weeks. I’ll see you again in three weeks and we’ll take an X-ray then and go from there.”

“Thanks,” she said. “I just wanted to make sure there was no ligament damage, but I didn’t believe that. Neither did Dr. Mills.”

“Which one?” Dr. Jensen asked. “Not Michael Mills. He’s a surgeon. Got to be Hudson or Carson? Or don’t you know the difference? Hudson is ER and Carson is radiology.”

“I know them both,” she said. “Not their father.” No reason to say much more. “Both of them felt it was just a minor cleanbreak. Hudson was in the ER when I went. Carson took my X-rays.”

“He took them or a tech did?” Dr. Jensen asked.

“He did. It was late at night and they were short staffed.”

Dr. Jensen made a note. “That would explain why they were such clean and clear pictures.”

She grinned. “I’m sure he knows what he’s doing.”

Dr. Jensen typed into his computer some more. “Have them schedule you when I’m here next in a few weeks. I’m having a script sent over to radiology for you to get another set of X-rays prior. Just a day or so before is fine. Once you have your appointment with me, you can make one with radiology.”

“Thank you,” she said.

She shook his hand and left, then went and made her appointment to see him.

When she got to her car, she decided to reach out to Carson and let him know she’d see him again on a professional level. Normally she didn’t care, but she wanted him to read her X-rays again when the time came.

He didn’t reply back to her and she didn’t expect that he would.

She started her car and drove back to the studio.

“How did it go?” Olivia asked.

“It was fine,” she said. “Nice clean break and no damage. He said it should be healed in four weeks.”

“Sooner than you thought,” Olivia said.

“That is the hope. I’ll have X-rays taken again before my next appointment. Anything exciting happen while I was gone?”

“We sold a painting and one of your purple vases.”

“That’s wonderful,” she said. She didn’t normally sell too many paintings in the studio. Not unless someone saw them on her website and then she’d ship them. “Were they locals or tourists? Or didn’t you know?”

“The painting was a tourist. They said they’d seen a few pieces you had in Los Angeles. When they went back to buy the one they loved it was gone.”

“I never make the same one twice,” she said. She wasn’t a machine and never would be.

“He said that. He’s in Boston for business and his wife checked out the website and chose two pieces she wouldn’t mind having. He picked between them.”

She laughed. “You mean he didn’t buy them both?”
