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Why bother? It wouldn’t make a difference.

It’s not like anything was horrible and had more to do with her background or wealth. How much she had or made. Petty things to her.

“Things are going well now?” Avery asked.

“They are great,” she said. “Better than I thought they’d be. We don’t spend a ton of time together. He works a lot and I’ve got responsibilities.”

She didn’t have to paint daily and didn’t often, but the more she did the better she got. She knew that and oftentimes she sketched for fun until she got an idea of what to paint.

She’d finished her first of the “Life In The Fun” series. That was what she was calling it. It came out perfect and Carson wanted to buy it from her. She told him he could have it and gave it to him.

In her mind he deserved it since it was inspired by him anyway.

She’d never done that before, but this meant so much more than the art and money. She hadn’t even titled it and made sure it wasn’t part of a collection so her agent couldn’t even come back to her for breach of contract.

The fact he’d hung it in his foyer when you first walked into his house for all to see was very touching. He’d told her he got to look at it daily and it made him smile.

His family would see it and know too.

That was the best compliment there was.

“There is nothing wrong with that,” Avery said.

“No,” she said. “I’m not into spending every minute with someone even if I want to.”

“I know that feeling,” Avery said. “It’s how I was with Carter, but we both knew we had to work it out.”

“We are too,” she said. “Last weekend we went to dinner at Hudson’s. It was nice. But then Carson had to go to work. He’s been working nights and is back to days so we haven’t seen much of each other.”

“Do you like his family?” Avery asked.

“They are great. And next weekend I get to meet a bunch more.”

“It will be fun,” Avery said. “I doubt we’ll be sitting together, but we’ll be able to talk.”

She was surprised when Carson asked if she could go to Alex Bond and Jennie Zale’s wedding, but she had no problem with it. It felt like the thing to do since everyone seemed to be aware of her and Carson’s relationship.

“I always enjoy a good wedding,” she said. Not that she’d been to one in a while. “And I’m sure there will be dance music. I can’t wait to get Carson on the floor.”

“Slow dancing?” Avery said.

“And fast. I want him to bust a move out there with me.”

Avery laughed with her. “I bet he gets out there.”

“I know he will,” she said.

“Have you told your father yet about Carson?”

She sighed. “No. We talk every weekend, but I don’t get a chance to say anything.”

“You could start with it,” Avery said.

“I know. I think it’s cowardly on my part.”

“Why?” Avery asked.

“He’s going to have a lot of questions.”
