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“Now you’ve got a name and a following and don’t need to do it,” Avery said.

She never did. She could always call her own shots. Money wasn’t an issue. She had plenty of it and would inherit more.

What she didn’t want to do was lose her love for her craft and if her parents had pushed her as a child it would have happened.

Many told her parents to do it, but her father said no.

She had to remind herself of that when she was upset with him, that he always tried to do what was right by her.

“And Josie won’t either. Maybe in two years she won’t love it like she does. She might decide she likes baking instead and will be a cake artist and create that way. She’s too young to be pushed into a corner. But again, it’s not my decision.”

“You know I’ll always take your advice,” Avery said, hugging her. “I appreciate what you’re saying and I agree one hundred percent. I know you’ve felt stuffed in slots before.”

Laine nodded. It wasn’t just the art world but other parts of her life too.

She’d been told she was an airhead because she was free spirited.

That she was silly and to be ignored and not taken seriously in the art world.

No. No one ignored her.

She was her father’s daughter and she was going to prove to the world that she had what it took regardless of how she acted.

Her father proved more than anyone expected of him.

She was going to do the same thing.

That meant she had to make sure the man she ended up with understood her life outside of this island though.

She’d find out more when she went to her next gallery showings in October. There was more than one part to her world that had to be understood.

Until then, she was going to enjoy each day to the fullest and leave the worry for another time.



“Be prepared to be the center of attention today,” Carson said to Laine on Saturday.

She was in her bathroom putting her makeup on after just finishing with her hair. He couldn’t wait to see her in her dress.

“Aren’t the bride and groom supposed to be the center of attention on their wedding day?” she asked loudly.

He was in the living room tying his tie. His jacket was laid over the chair. No reason to put that on just yet, but he was ready to go.

He’d stayed at her house last night and she was staying at his tonight. They tried to switch it up as much as they could. That was her decision.

He liked the view she had better, but her house wasn’t even half the size of his and he always felt crowded here.

Her ceilings were lower, the rooms smaller even if it wasn’t cluttered. But the view did get him all the time. Maybe at some point he’d look for a house with a nicer view. He’d just been in a hurry to get out of Hudson’s and it’s not like there were a lot of houses available on the island.

He’d put some work into his and got it to the way he liked it and, for now, it was good enough.

Then he wondered since when he thought it was okay to settle for good enough?

He’d never thought much of it before he met Laine.

Bet she never settled for anything.
