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Which was saying something because she was always thrilled to see her father. Her mother too.

They watched Egan walk out to his chopper and stayed in the hangar.

“Here comes Lincoln,” Carson said.

She saw the big black SUV pulling up. “I’m assuming he lives on the island too. I’m surprised they don’t keep a helicopter in Boston.”

“Egan has a condo there for them to stay at when they’ve got early or late flights. Now with Blake pregnant and the fact she works in Boston, they stay there if they need to. Once the baby comes, who knows?”

She’d heard about Egan and Blake. They hadn’t been dating long but here comes baby. The two seemed so happy at Alex’s wedding though.

She’d never felt like people had to get married because of a baby. It didn’t diminish the love in her eyes. Times had changed and if people loved each other, what was that piece of paper anyway?

“People do what works for them,” she said.

She hadn’t met Lincoln yet, but the big man got out of his SUV, the aviator glasses taken off and put in the collar of his shirt. He had a military cut that went with his personality, along with the beard that he was sporting.

It didn’t look trimmed, more like he hadn’t bothered to shave in a week or so.

“You look like you just rolled out of bed,” Carson said.

“Sorry,” Lincoln said. “I’ve been fighting some bug and finally kicked it. I feel like my old self today and slept harder than normal. I’m not usually late.”

“You’re not late,” Laine said. “We are early.”

Lincoln looked at his watch. “Guess being on time is late for me. I’m assuming Egan took care of all your paperwork?”

“Yep,” Carson said. “We are good to go. And knowing you haven’t felt well, sorry we added to your flight schedule.”

“No worries,” Lincoln said. “I think it was food poisoning or something. It was like two days of being sick and then two days of just feeling like I wanted to be sick. Egan had to rearrange some flights for the first two days. I’ll be thrilled when he can get someone hired part time.”

“I heard he was expanding the fleet and getting another pilot,” Carson said.

“One full-time pilot and a part-time one. Baby Bond will be here before we know it and we are busier than normal. This worked out today for sure.”

She knew that Lincoln had a few flights scheduled so he was flying them to her father’s, dropping them off, which was taking about ninety minutes flying and landing round trip. They’d get to her father’s by seven thirty. Earlier than planned, but it was better than driving there and being stuck on a ferry schedule.

Lincoln would pick them up again at six because that was when he’d be back from the rest of his flights. It worked. Her parents were thrilled with the long visit too.

“If you guys will give me about ten minutes, I’ll pull the helicopter out and get everything set up then,” Lincoln said.

She watched as the big man walked away yawning. “I feel bad we got him up so early. Maybe we should have brought him coffee or something. Should I be worried about this flight if he’s not feeling well?”

Carson laughed at her. “Lincoln was in the Air Force. He flew during war. Trust me, he’s fine.”

“Let me make a call. When he drops us off at my father’s we’ll have something for him. When he picks us up too.”

Carson smiled. “That’s nice of you.”

“I’m a nice person.”

He leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. “Yes, you are.”

“Ready to go?” Lincoln asked ten minutes later.

“We are,” she said. She was all but skipping to the chopper.

“I heard you were a dancer,” Lincoln said.
