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She burst out laughing. “Only in my dreams. I think maybe I was a professional dancer in a former life.”

Carson laughed this time. “How many broken bones do you think you had in that life?”

She gave him a playful shove. “Not funny.”

“Sure, it was,” Lincoln said. “There are no secrets on this island. I know how you met and that you like to bodysurf with half a bathing suit.”

She felt her face start to heat up. Lincoln seemed fully awake now and was laughing.

“Someone has to provide entertainment to the folks on the island. Might as well be me.”

“Buckle up,” Lincoln said.

Carson showed her how to get the belts in place while Lincoln turned the chopper on and the blades started to whip around. She burst into a gleeful laugh.

“Is this how fast your head whips when you dance?” Carson shouted to her.

“Faster,” she shouted back.

Once she was secured, she and Carson put the headsets on. “Now we can talk normally.”

“Phew,” she said. “I didn’t want to have no voice when I got to my father’s.”

“Do I need to talk you through this?” Lincoln said. “I know it’s your first flight and something you’ve wanted to do.”

“I’m good,” she said. “I’m a seasoned flier, just never been in a helicopter before. Or is it a helo?”

“You can call it anything you like. I’ve used helo, whirlybird, eggbeater, air horse, air pony, bear in the air. The list goes on and on. The most common in the service is bird. Chopper is a bike on the road, not a bird in the air. But whatever suits you.”

She started to laugh. “I never thought of it that way.”

“Most don’t,” Lincoln said. “But I know what they mean. That’s the thing about words. They mean a lot and if you are around like people, they understand you.”

She turned and looked at Carson. Like people. She loved that.

He grabbed her hand and threaded their fingers together. It was like he understood what Lincoln was saying too.

She began to giggle when the helicopter started to lift up.

It was a short flight to her father’s. Maybe thirty-five minutes if that. It almost felt as if they were gliding through the air.

It helped being sunny out with hardly any wind. For the first of October, she couldn’t have asked for a better day on her virgin flight.

Carson and she were chatting a little, but she’d been too absorbed in the beauty below her.

At one point she asked if she could snap some pictures, as she wanted to remember what she’d seen. She was dying to paint so many of the views.

Lincoln told her he’d take her another time, keeping her closer to the ground for better shots.

She was going to take him up on it. Pictures in the fall with the changing of the leaves like some she’d gotten today.

“There’s my father’s house,” she said, pointing.

“Damn,” Lincoln said. Guess there were no secrets now. Just because Carson was aware, she realized Lincoln would now know. Which meant he’d probably tell Egan and the rest of the Bond family.

Though she figured they most likely knew since Carson had talked to his father about her father.

“You can land over there in the area between the two houses,” she said. That was where her father had instructed her.
