Page 10 of Devil's Sweetheart

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Scout talked about doing this together, me peeing on the stick and letting him be there with me. Something about how it will make it all better. Knowing that I need to know if I’m basically contagious or not, I don’t have the luxury.

Well, I could just go home for the day and be done, but something in my gut is telling me to stay put.

Instead, I settle on giving him a call. It goes straight to voicemail. I try again, where it rings a few times and goes to voicemail again. Sending him a text, I wait about five minutes. He read it, but hasn’t responded. Opening his location, it shows he’s at the dive bar. It’s too early, and he didn’t mention anything about working early today.

Shrugging it off, I do my business and stick the cap back on the stick. I set a quick timer on my phone, and pace the bathroom. It’s a stand alone, so I have room.

What if it’s positive? Negative? How will Scout react? I know he’ll be upset that I did it without him, but I’d rather not have to wait. There’s so much potential that everything could go to shit…no, I can’t think like that. It’s weird to think I didn’t see the signs before. I mean, every woman’s boobs hurt after menstruation, right? Or is it just me? I guess they don’t usually hurt this long. Also, I haven’t been sick since I was in highschool, and I don’t think I’ve puked since before that.

A loud knock startles me, and I realize my timer is going off for the past minute. “It’s just me. Let me know if you need anything.”

I shakily respond. Just as I’m about to look at the stick, my phone vibrates with a text from an unknown number. Furrowing my brows, I open it to see a photo loading through. Just as I go to close it as spam, it pops through.

It stops me cold in my tracks.


“Look, I’m not interested, okay?” I say, pulling away from the pushy female. Her jean shorts are practically painted on her, but the only woman I can think of is Birdie.My baby bird.

“Come on, Scotty, I’m only looking for a good time, not a long one. The other girls said you were a good fuck, and I’m here for it.”

“My name is Scout, not ‘Scotty’, and no means no. If the roles were reversed, you’d go crying to the cops that I tried to rape you or some shit. I’ve got a girl waiting for me at home, so take a hint, chick.No.” That doesn’t seem to do the trick either. Instead, it makes her more fiery.

“Come on, you know you want to,” she drops her boobs on the counter of my bar, and I can’t suppress the growl. Unfortunately, she takes it as a sexual one, not a predatory one.

Before I can blink, she has a hand in my hair and is pulling me in for a kiss. She tastes like cheap vodka. Grabbing her face, I gently pry her away from me. Even if I was just sexually assaulted, I’m not going to go in handcuffs for slapping this chick. That’s the way the world works, and I plan to make Birdie take a stick test tonight.

“Got it!” One of the friends from her posse shouts, cheering loudly for her friend.

“Get the fuck out of my bar! All of you,” the fiery owner calls, grabbing a cloth and whipping it at the girl. “You don’t get to assault my workers for a quick pic. I don’t care if his dick is the size of an elephant trunk, you need to leave. You’re banned from coming back.”

“But your bar is the only good one in town!” She shrieks, hands on her hips defiantly as her foot stomps petulantly.

“Should have thought about that before attacking one of my bartenders. You and your little posse have three seconds to leave before I call the cops on you and report the assault.”

“Fuck, fine!” The group of girls take off at lightning speed, obviously not wanting to get charged with something stupid. I doubt it would even hold up in court, but that’s besides the point.

Knuckles rap on the bartop, and I catch sight of Massimo. He’s made himself more known around the bar, and he’s been trying to recruit me into his…stuff. I have no desire to get twisted in that, but he provides an outlet that I’ve not been given before.

A deep rooted anger boils under my skin, one that almost had me lashing out at people I love. With him, I’ve been able to take my aggression out on men deserving of it. Traitors, spies, the like.

Jerking his head, I stalk down to his side of the bar. “Boss gave the green light for you to take off.” I don’t need to hear anything else. I close myself out and follow him outside.

“What do we have tonight?” I slide into his shiny car, admiring the leather like always.

“Some idiots who think they can get one over on me.” We both roll our eyes, and he takes off. My mind remains blank as I do my best to not overthink everything. I’ll have to tell Birdie about the chick who threw herself on me, I don’t want one of these idiots to tell her without me. That’s how the rumor-mill and shit starts.

Pulling into the warehouse, we both saunter over to the guards who don’t even look at us. Instead, they stare out into the abyss and wait for someone to try and invade the territory. I don’t understand it, but the less I know, the better.

“Don’t kill them,” Massimo warns as we make our way to the dungeon area. I only grunt in response. I haven’t killed anyone yet, yet I’ve gotten pretty damn close on a couple occasions. I’d have to join whatever group he runs if I did.

No thanks.

“Well, well, look who it is.” Whirling around,hesits there, acting smug and as if the world can’t touch him even though he’s tied to the chair with a chain looped around his neck.

“What the fuck is he doing here?” My fists clench tightly, nails creating crescents until I’m sure my calloused flesh is bleeding. Massimo smirks, a single shoulder lifting and dropping.

“A certain female who seems to be very special to my wife and her boss disclosed some…interesting information. Viv and I agreed that it would be best if you have first dibs.”
