Page 7 of Devil's Sweetheart

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The weeks are flying by, Scout and I are growing closer and closer. It’s been five or six weeks since we’ve decided to move forward with each other, and it’s simply unreal how quickly we’ve jumped into things. Future talks still scare me a little, but he reassures me that everything is going to be okay. Honestly? I believe him. He’s been nothing but supportive since we’ve declared our feelings for one another. Not only that, but he’s been my biggest cheerleader since we were kids! I can’t imagine a life without him here, and it makes everything more real. My perspective is shifting.

“I’m back, and I’ve brought food!” The front door closes as Scout makes himself known. Laughing, I slide off the stool, catching him in all his glory. His shirt is plastered to his body, emphasizing how well taken care of his body is.

“Did you go to the gym?” I question, my tongue darting from my mouth to wet my lips. This man is delectable.

“Why? Can you tell?” Setting the take-out food on the coffee table, he flexes his arms in one of those muscle daddy poses.

“I mean, the fact that your shirt is practically a second skin…” I trail, too damn distracted as he practically prowls to me.

“You like?” Leaning down to my neck, he inhales deeply. The exhale skates teasingly over my skin, a shiver coasting down my spine in desire.

“I love.” He pulls back, our eyes not moving from one another. It’s the first time I’ve hinted at anything remotely close to the L word.

“Good.” Scooping me into his arms, I gleefully laugh and wrap my legs around his waist. His lips slant over mine, our kiss mixed with lust and smiles.

“I’ve missed you,” he mutters against my lips. My smile grows impossibly wider, and he might as well be kissing teeth. Instead of responding, I tighten my grip even more on his hulking form and push myself further into the kiss. I attempt to say everything on my mind through it, hoping he’ll silently understand that I’m falling more and more in love with him every day.

Loosening my legs just a little, I lower until I’m rubbing myself over his cock. He doesn’t flinch, rocking into me more as we barely make it to the couch.

“You sure you don’t want to eat first?” He rumbles, and I float through the air as he drops me unceremoniously onto the cushions.

“Who wants to fuck with a full stomach?” I scoff sassily, grabbing a fist full of his hair and yanking him down to me. He doesn’t deny me of what I want and settles between my open thighs, grinding into my covered pussy with his covered cock. The musky, woodsy scent wafts off him, like he just put deodorant on after working out. That, or he just naturally smells like a fucking God. Either one works for me, to be honest.

Slowly, he works my clothing off of me. I knew I should have waited for him naked. Rolling my eyes at the thought, he grabs my shirt in the middle and pulls. The flimsy material splits into two effortlessly. My breasts bounce in their confines, waiting to be devoured. Thankfully, they don’t have to wait too long. Lifting me up slightly, he reaches behind my back and unclasps it.

“You couldn’t have taken my shirt off like a normal person?” I tease, shimmying myself out of the bra.

“I could have, but would it have made your cunt clench?” Welp, I can’t argue with that logic.

Burying his face between my small tits, he licks the salty skin until he sucks one of the taut buds into his warm mouth. I’m not even sure what noises I’m making at this point, but I know it’s spurring him on. His warm tongue slides over the peak before his teeth clamp down on it. Hissing, my fingers grip his hair tighter and attempt to yank him away. A wicked gleam catches my gaze, and he lets me push him back, not without taking my nipple with him between his teeth.

“Shit!” There’s a fine line where pain meets pleasure, and I didn’t realize this was what it felt like. The bouncy flesh jiggles as it returns to its normal spot. Lashing out, his tongue smooths over the painful spot.

“Did my greedy girl like that?” He growls against my stomach, waiting for the green light.

“Yes,” I whimper, wiggling my hips to give him a hint of what I’m wanting.

“I have a better idea.” Pushing himself off the couch, he takes a solid step backward. I can’t stop the groan of annoyance from leaving my throat. “I think you’re really going to like it,” he taunts, wiggling his fingers as he waits for me to grab his hand. Glaring at his handsome face may as well be a sin. Instead, I huff and grasp his calloused hand in my softer one.

“This better be good.” He just chuckles, dragging me in the opposite direction of the bedroom. “Where are you going?”

“You’ll see.” The look on his face is enough to stop my next impeding questions in their tracks. I follow along silently, and we stop outside the spare bedroom door. Opening it, I can’t stop my jaw from dropping.

“Holy…” Letting go of my hand, he presses it to my lower back and pushes me forward. There’s a bunch of different stuff that I didn’t even know existed. One of them looks like a fucking saw horse with padding on it. It shines, so obviously it’s clean, and it looks like it’s leather.

“What do you think?” I look at him over my shoulder, trying to gauge his own reaction. His lip is tucked between his teeth, hands stuffed in the pockets of his gym shorts. There’s a look on his face that I can’t quite place. Maybe longing? Suspense? Hope?

“I mean,” I span my arms out, “this is like my dream jungle.” A shit eating grin opens over his face. “This is what you turned the third bedroom into?”

“You said I have freedom over it,” he shrugs, grabbing my hand and bringing me closer to his body.

“I didn’t expect you to make a freaking dungeon,” I giggle, unable to help myself from reaching out and touching the silky pink sheets. “It’s all pink, black, and blue,” I say, though it comes out more like a question.

“I’m respecting your favorite color, my favorite color on you, and black is what most of the toys come in.” The body cross in the corner is painted black with pink leather cuffs strapped to the corners. The four poster bed is black and pink, but there’s this honeycomb style grid at the end of the bed that’s dark blue. It sounds like an odd color match, but it really works.

“I love it.” I turn to kiss him, but he takes a single step back.

“You have five minutes to explore and one minute to choose the things you’d like for me to use on you.” His watch makes a beep, and I take off. There’s so much to see, it’s unreal.
