Page 8 of Devil's Sweetheart

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Running around the room, I grab everything I think I’d like, with a smile on my face. A louderbeep beeprings around the room. Dumping all my findings on the bed, he takes a step over and inspects them.

“Good girl,” he growls, striding back to me. With quick work, my hair is skillfully braided and pulled away from my face. “I want you naked and on your knees by the door by the time I get back.”


Idon’t get to answer as he strides out of the room, letting the door latch close. I only have my skirt and panties on, which I make quick work of discarding on a spare chair behind the door. Kneeling by the door, I try to figure out what to do with my hands. After a moment, I decide on setting them on my thighs, the backs of my hands facing upward.

The audible door click pulls me from my thoughts, and I keep my eyes down. I’ve seen enough porn movies to know we don’t make eye contact.

“You were very close,” he coos, taking my wrist and turning it over. I do the other side on my own, keeping my eyes down. “Such a good girl, baby bird.”

His hand pets my head, and while I want to scream at him to get his hand off my head, he smooths it down my back. Twisting my braid in his fist, he gently but sufficiently tugs me from my knees. Leading me over to the giant X, he hikes me up onto the foot rests.

“Be a good girl, and don’t move, hmm?” Raising a brow, I can see the war behind his eyes. It’s a mix between lust, love, and something else.


“Okay,” I breathe out with a nod. Before I can blink, a sharp swat lands on my outer thigh, right by my butt. “Oh!” The sting is immediately soothed by his large hand.

“You will address me as ‘Sir’ or ‘Master’. Do I make myself clear?” His eyes hold a predatory glare, one that has me fucking melting at the post.

“Yes,” I pause, trailing my eyes down his chiseled body, “master.” Like a snake, he moves effortlessly and gracefully, yet he strikes quickly as he fastens me into the contraption.

He steps back to admire me for a moment, then turns on his heels to go to the bed where I dropped all the things. Waiting with bated breath, his fingers skim over the materials one by one, casually throwing glances over his shoulder. I know he’s trying to get a rise out of me, and it’s working.

Just as I’m about to scream at him to hurry the hell up, he grabs a hot pink and black whip thing that has many little…strings? Tentacles?

“Do you know what this is?” He questions, rolling the leather in his hand.

“No.” I shake my head, remaining silent while he waits. “Master,” I quickly add after I realize my mistake. “No, master.” He doesn’t seem to mind my little slip up, because he moves on.

“This is a flogger.” A wicked gleam hits his eyes as a matching smirk makes its way onto his mouth. “These are tresses,” he rolls the tentacle things, “this is the neck,” he grabs where the tresses meet the stick piece, “and this is the shaft.”

Who knew floggers had anatomy?

“Thank you, Master.” There’s a sense of…freedom I get while standing here. He continues to talk about how it’s used, and things of that nature, but all I can think about is what it’ll feel like when it makes contact. Will it welt? Will he like it? The books make it sound a lot easier than it probably is. I mean my pain tolerance is higher than most people-

“Attention!” He commands, and I’m immediately pulled out of my thoughts. “You ignoring me, baby bird?”

“No, Master!” I declare, shaking my head.

“Good, because I would hate to punish you for failing a pop quiz.” A lump grows in my throat, thick and heavy, sitting in the way of air flow.

Thankfully, he doesn’t give me that quiz, instead dragging the material over my flush skin. It’s cool to the touch and goose bumps explode in its wake.

He teases between my thighs with the tresses, switching from one side to the other as I try to wiggle my hips and get him right where I want him.

Without warning, he whips the flogger down on the inside of my thigh. A burning sting jerks my body before he repeats it on the other thigh.

“You get as much as I say you get,” he admonishes, another sharp smack landing. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master,” I gasp, my body buzzing with an unnatural amount of adrenaline. He doesn’t give the usual praise, instead taking it and swatting my outer thighs. It’s sharp, brinking on the edge of too much.

Just as I’m about to tell him as much, he backs up. There’s an underlying possession in his eyes, one that makes me want to jump off this damn cross and devour him. It’s almost unnerving.

“Look at you, marked so prettily for me,” he growls, setting the flogger back on the bed before grabbing the plug-in wand I picked. “I believe you deserve a reward for taking it so nicely.” Rolling it around in his hand, it almost looks like he’s trying to debate something.

I know better than to say anything without being spoken to, so I keep my lips zipped. Although I’m completely new to this, I can’t help but feel as though I’m exactly where I need to be.

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