Page 20 of ForNever Mine

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She jumps into my arms and I can’t wipe the smile from my face. “I’m so fucking proud of you.” I tighten my grip as she climbs me like a damn tree, kissing my neck and jaw. “What about…?”

“He who shall not be named?” she finishes. “He approved the thesis but isn’t staying on for my doctorate committee.”

“I don’t give a fuck about him,” I laugh but then seriously ask, “Does it mean you’re leaving Coal’s?”

“Oh, well, I’ll have to go back to Calgary periodically. But I can do most of it remotely.”

“So… you’re staying?”

Beth slides down my body until her feet hit the floor. “My hot as fuck boyfriend is here. Why would I leave?” As much as I’m happy she’s staying, it stings that she uses my appearance as the reason. My disappointment must be written all over my face when she adds, “I love you, Ax. I’m not going anywhere. I should probably find my own place, maybe crash with Jules. I need to figure something out, seeing as I’m here most nights and my parents are sick of me popping by once a week to do laundry. But I’m not going anywhere.”

“Move in with me.” It isn’t a question, I’m fully aware of the repercussions. There’s minimal space, roommates I haven’t run it by, and she deserves a whole lot better than this, but I want her here.

“Trial run?” she offers.

“What?” I frown.

“I’ll get my own place, you stay over, and if it sucks we don’t break up. A trial run,” she says simply. “I don’t want to lose you if it doesn’t work out.”

“If you’re not a TA in the fall, you’ll be broke. You can just stay with me; you’re here every night anyway.” I shrug.

“I’ll work odd jobs. I’m sure you could teach me proper lap dance technique.” I know she’s fucking with me, a growl still erupts from me, anyway. While she’s ok with me dancing, the idea of her being touched by another man makes my blood heat. She raises her hands in surrender. “Fine, no dancing. If I have a tight month, there’s always the three magic words: Bucket. Of. Lube. Myles will toss me a few thousand dollars to keep me quiet. I know damn well he paid off Samuel when it was delivered, even if I can’t prove it. The coolnew chair she has tells me all I need to know. It can be my last act of sisterly blackmail.”

“It’s wedding season, we’ll be alright. No need to blackmail Myles because Tristan ordered him a tub of lube as a joke.” I chuckle.

“Aw,” she whines. “But it’s so fun!” Her adorable fake pout almost has me giving in.

“I’ll make you a deal. I’ll work extra shifts at the lodge to cover it, if you agree to live with me.”

Beth narrows her eyes. “No deal. I’ll move in with you if we can do double butt stuff.”

I bark out a laugh. “What the hell isdouble butt stuff?”

“Before you say no…”Why do I think it’s going to be two toys shoved up my ass?“I love you.”

“No. I don’t know what it is, but no.”

“Come on!” she groans. “It’s just a little butt play with a plug in your”—she whistles—“while you fuck my ass. Double the pleasure, double the fun!”

Her obsession with this knows no bounds. I don’t think I’ll be into it, but I trust that she won’t go too far if I’m not on board. “Fine,” I concede, but add, “Onetoy.”

Beth rushes over to the nightstand with an adorable squeal. “Ok, so I have options.” She holds up a peg and anal beads. “What do you think? There’s more. There’s one you can attach to the shower wall so you can fuck me while being fucked.” She holds up the dildo and my eyes widen.

“Maybe we work our way up to that one?” I carefully ask.

“You can take it.” I shake my head and laugh at her hyperfixating on this. She puts them back in the drawer with a faux pout. “Ok, final deal. I move in. No butt stuff. But if you want to ever try it, I’m prepared.”

“Last offer,” I counter. “We move in together and we do all sorts of fun shit… but we ask each other first. I’m down to try anything at least once with you. I just don’t want a surprise peg in my ass while I’m balls deep inside you.”Or worse, wake up being pegged by my girlfriend.

“Is it really a surprise though?” She raises an eyebrow.

“Have I told you lately that you’re beautiful and I love you?” I teasingly wince.

“That won’t get you out of a toy in your bum, Ax.”

I pull her close, ready for whatever she has planned. “You want me to fuck your ass? Done. You want to fuck my ass? Sure. We’ll just need to talk before. I’m down to do it, though.”

“Consider me moved in. So… can we take a shower right now so I can shove a toy up your ass?” We both laugh and she adds, “See, I asked first!”
