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(Another two years later…)

“Look at my boy go,” Renzo praises Georgi when he finally has the hang of skating.

I hold Raya’s hand tightly as she carefully shuffles over the ice. “You’ve got this, baby,” I encourage her. “Just hold onto Mommy.”

“Okay,” she murmurs, all her concentration on not falling. She slowly gets better and excitedly says, “Look, Mommy. I’m doing it.”

“I see, baby. You’re even better than Daddy.”

“Daddy’s about to see his –” Renzo loses his balance and falls on his ass.

Georgi quickly skates back to Renzo and tries to help him up. “Are you okay, Dad?”

Renzo chuckles while I do my best not to laugh out loud.

“I’m fine. Help your old man get to the side where it’s safe.”

Skating in small circles with Raya, I watch as Georgi helps Renzo to the bench on the side of the frozen pond.

“Mommy, I’m cold,” Raya says. “I want to go to Daddy.”

“Okay.” I lead her carefully across the ice, and smiling at Renzo, I say, “She wants Daddy.”

He lifts her to his lap and engulfs her against his chest, while I look at Georgi and ask, “Want to race?”


We get ready, and before I can count down to one, Georgi shoots forward.

“Hey, that’s cheating,” I call out as I set off after him.

We spend another twenty minutes on the ice before we head back to Renzo and Raya.

After we’ve changed out of the skates and into our shoes, Renzo asks, “Who’s hungry.”

“Me,” Georgi replies. “Can we have hotdogs?”


We walk to a hotdog stand, and I order four hotdogs which we eat on our way back to the car.

While the kids climb into the back seat, Renzo leans in and presses a kiss to my mouth.

“What’s that for?” I ask.

“Just because I love you,” he says with a grin tugging at his lips.

Looking at the man who’s given me the world, my heart can’t contain all the love I feel for him.

“I love you too.”

“Happy?” he asks as he opens the passenger door.

“Very happy,” I murmur and steal another kiss before I get into the car.

The End.
