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They hurried to Mars Hall and took the back stairs up to the dorm room that Moni had shared with Broody and Shady. As soon as Broody opened the door, he looked to see if anyone else was in the corridor and hauled both of them inside.

“Oh my gawd, we’ve been frantic!” he said. “Did you know that it’s all over campus your brother is a murder suspect? We’ve been looking for you for hours, Moni!”

“I know, I know,” Moni said, hugging each of them in turn. “Lots to catch up on and wewillbe going to meet with Security to get things straightened out because, well, because… You were right, all of you, about my brother. Thisismyactualbrother, Sam.Very longstory, but the imposter you met earlier was just what you suspected he was—an imposter, a poser sent to lure me into joining the Rebel Clave in Bavaria. Anyway, everyone please meet thereal Sam!”

“Pleased to meet you, Sam!” Broody said, giving Sam a one armed hug and adding, “I want you to know I took one for the team. Moni was so pissed off when I told her I thought the other Sam was a fake that shehitme!”

Moni had the good grace to look guilty. “Hey, I apologize to you all. I guess I was just blinded by the joy of thinking I had been reunited with my brother at last! I hope,” she added, looking pointedly at Luca. “I hope you won’t hold it against me!”

Luca just winked, and Moni knew what he was thinking.

“Anyway, we need to tell Security what happened, and make sure the wardings are in place here, because there is a good chance they might come after us!”

“Yeah, do that,” Shady told her looking worried. “Moni, I know enough Vantablack Spells to keep you both safe and virtually invisible to the Rebels, but the ones I have learned so far only last up to a year, and I am not sure they will ever give up on their plan to have both of you working for them… And Sam,Sebastian, are you here to stay?” she asked, turning to Sam and looking up at him hopefully.

As Moni watched the two of them connect for the first time, she realized that somehow Shady and Sam had some kind of instantaneous and mutual attraction going.

“If I wasn’t sure before, I am now,” Sam said, still gazing down into Shady’s dark eyes. “I’m pleased to meet all of you, but especiallyyou, Shady… I hope you don’t mind showing me around after we check in with the Officials!”

“Not at all,” Shady assured him, “I’d doanythingfor Moni’s twin brother!”

The rest of the afternoon, which Moni referred to in her own mind as thedebriefing, seemed to take forever, and by the time everything was sorted out, and Security was satisfied that a creature posing as Sam had invaded campus and was now gone, both she and Sam were exhausted.

As soon as they got back to the room, Shady announced, “Sam and I are going to the Charm Café to unwind. Anyone else want to come with?”

Luca and Broody turned to Moni, then, as if on cue, both ran over and jumped onto the biggest bed in the room, relaxing back against the pillows and patting the space they’d purposely left open between them.

“I think Moni wants to take a nap with us,” Luca said, smiling as Broody added,

“Doesn’t that sound nice, Moni?”

“Nothing ever soundedbetter!” Moni agreed, clambering up between them and heaving a long and blissful sigh.
