Page 81 of Damaged Hearts

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“Good, good. Sounds like you handled everything properly and refused to allow those mobsters to disrespect our organization by stealing some of our property, right?” He gives me a questioning look and I realize he actually thinks that’s true.

“Yeah, that’s it,” I lie as I scratch my beard.

He nods with pride in his eyes. “Good. That’s all the information I need to come to a decision,” he mutters as he tosses his pen down on the desk.

“A decision?” I don’t understand what the hell he’s getting at. “About what?”

He pulls out a drawer from the desk and grabs something before tossing it onto the table in front of me.

It’s the president’s patch.

I grab it off the desk and give him a once over, unsure if this means what I think it does. Is he really making it that easy? “I’m sending out an alert for a meeting tonight to announce the change in command and my retirement. It’s yours now, son.”

He stands from the desk and grabs his beer before walking around me.

“You can thank your woman. She can be very persuasive.” With those parting words, he leaves and I’m still staring down at the ragged patch in my hand.

Did that seriously just fucking happen?

* * *

As soon asI step out of the office, Laura jumps up and hurried over to me.

“What’s wrong?” she asks, concern across her face. Chucky soon joins her side.

“Dude, you look like you’ve seen a ghost,” he laughs, but it takes me a minute to shake off the severe case of whiplash Dennis gave me a few minutes ago. “Seriously, man. What happened?”

“He just wanted to give me something,” I say before pulling the patch out of my pocket.

Their eyes widen like saucers as they look at the ragged piece of stitch work until Laura grins and throws herself in my arms.

“Oh, my god. You did it.”

It doesn’t really sink in until she says the words right then. I did it. It’s what I’ve been working toward my whole life and now the Black Stallions are no longer under the foot of my father. It’s mine now.

My whole life I’ve been the prince of this domain, the person who would take over one day but wasn’t quite ready for it, but now I’m the motherfucking king and Laura is my queen.

I start laughing at how it’s suddenly all come to fruition and I hold her tighter. “Wedid it,” I whisper in her ear. “I’m nothing without you, babe.”

I’ve always called her darling. It was one of the first words I ever said to her, but it’s something I’ve always used generically. Laura is deserving of a much more personal term than that. Hell, she’s called me Sunshine since we met and she’s never called anyone that.

Her body relaxes in my arms as I kiss her, so glad we finally made it to our goal. Nothing could ever make this even more perfect.

* * *

“A vacation?”Chucky questions me as I toss all the papers from the desk inmyoffice into a drawer for me to go through in a week or so. “Youjusttook the reins and now you’re going to take a vacation?”

“Do you know how long I’ve been a part of this club?” I ask as I grab my phone off the desk. Laura has no idea I have this all planned out. It’s something just for us to have time together away from all the craziness of the club, time to just be us.

“Longer than me,” he says with a shrug.

“I got patched in on my eighteenth birthday. I’m twenty eight years old and in all that time I’ve never taken a weekend off. Now, I don’t have to ask permission from the scum of the world and I’m taking that chance to take my woman out of this city. I won’t be reachable except for emergencies. By emergencies, I mean the clubhouse is burning to the ground and half the club is dead.”

“Who are you leaving in charge? You need to be careful who you choose. There are still people here who don’t think you belong in leadership. Everything is still hanging in the balance. Just because Browning is gone doesn’t mean—”

“I get it. I’m going to deal with the insubordinates when I return, and I know the club will be in good hands because it will be in yours. You’re now my second.” I hand over my VP patch to him as I clap him on the shoulder.

“You’re making me the VP? Why?”
